Lorcan Nagle

This is a Joey-heavy episode anyway

If you haven't read it before, go check out Michael Ironsides' Random Roles, his Highlander 2 bit is fantastic.

I wasn't even thinking of an Earth (or Mars) shattering kaboom hit from the rocks, more that you've got a big debris cloud moving at speed into a region of the solar system with a tighter packing of planetary bodies, and the possibility is there for one or two bits to hit something on Earth or Mars and do a little

Yeah, this week sold me on Amos the way last week sold me on Holden.

In addition to what other people have said, the rocks that didn't hit the Martian patrol boat are going to be falling in-system and picking up speed. There's every chance they'll end up hitting Earth or Mars.

Like I said in the obit thread, The Heart's Filthy Lesson is my favourite Bowie track. There are a lot of musicians who I liked when I was a kid, but when grunge hit I was exactly the right age to change form someone who enjoyed music to someone who loved it, and grunge, punk and that 90's blend of hard and alt rock

(Loving the) Alien God?

Yes, but in Northern Ireland people wear shoes on their hands and gloves on their feet. and Hamburgers eat people.

This is true, and I wasn't trying to suggest otherwise - Apologies for any confusion.

"One of their nations recently legalized same-sex marriage"

It's pretty normal in Ireland to get confirmed around 12-13

Apparently he was downing vodka to help with the pain during the video shoot. Between that and recording most of an album on his own to have something to leave for the fans and the band, even if I wasn't a huge Queen fan I'd have to respect Freddie.

We're through the looking glass here, people

Oh, I hear the Pro-Gamergate documentary "The Sarkeesian Effect" is quite good.

I can't believe the Sovereign recorded Station to Station!

He was shot dead by an OSI sniper while trying to escape, sadly.

The Heart's Filthy Lesson is still my favourite song of his. It hit at exactly the right time for me, when Bowie had been one of the musicians I remembered from the radio during childhood, but here he was again with a weird song that was in line with NIN and other bands I was getting into at the time. It lead to me

Meanwhile in Ireland, some people did up pro-marraige equality stickers with Marceline and Princes Bubblegum holding hands in the run up to the referendum.

New Years resolution: give up. Eat arbys. Sit there. Keep sitting. Let the meaninglessness of life envelop you. Die. Be forgotten

Now I have to drive a car who's doors open like this! Not like this or this! That's not the kind of car a billionaire drives! Fuck you, Richard, fuck you!"