Lorcan Nagle

Shit, I instinctively flagged the post base don the formatting before I realsied what it actually said.

Why can't we smoke?

I've not read the most recent one or the short stories yet, but I really enjoyed books 1-4. 3 drags a bit, but the other three are great. The first one was nominated for a Hugo to boot.

I think he also missed that you can hear Fred's voice on the comm in the first flashback to Anderson Station. It's not as much of a surprise ending if you twig that.

Between some dialogue in episode 1 and the dream/flashback at the start of episode 2 the suggesiton is that the coffee aboard the Cant was awful and adding the head of a match into a cup made it at least bearable. No idea if this is true to life.

It and the look on his face when he discovered he was a martyr were fantastic. Really great silent performance from Steven Strait in both scenes

I sorta expected that to be the series 2 finale.

The bit in the making of featurette at the end where Dana Delorenzo dumps fake blood out of her boot was the icing on the cake.

Odd, they had posters up around town weeks in advance.

I actually watched all 4 leaked/previewed episodes again a few days after I first watched them through, just because that way the Roci escape was even more awesome. And given that I have a three-day weekend, might do so again before episode 5 airs.

I would also like the express my admiration for that particular brand of televisual entertainment

For some godforsaken reason, people on Hoverboards tend to flock outside a shopping centre right beside wher eI get off the tram on my way home from work. And all they ever do is wobble back and forth on them, playing shitty music via the inbuilt bluetooth speakers. My fervent hope is that I get to see a hoverboard

The characterisation is definitely the show's weakest link at this point, and it was similarly the case in Leviathan Wakes. I've commented on previous reviews that they're clearly trying to flesh out the Cantebury survivors more than they were at this stage in the book, but there's only so much you can add in and

The Roci was just about perfect. I had a different vision of the inside of the ship - like Alex sat in a totally different section of the ship to Naomi and Holden, not just an elevated platform. I can see why they designed the set the way they did though.

Agreed on all counts. I definitely think at least half that was in the delivery by Jean Yoon, but the line wasn't out of place at all.

I'm an activist in Ireland, and have managed to get chants of DOWN WITH THIS SORT OF THING/CAREFUL NOW! going at protests.

I commented a couple of reviews ago on this, in the scene with Amos and Holden on the hull of the Knight. They're doing a lot to draw the Cantebury survivors out as characters when they were really sketches in the novel, so it's a deviation from the source material I don't mind at all.

A few weeks back, someone in the comments said Ted Raimi wasn't available during the filming of series 1, but would be around for series 2

That even makes me more interested in the book. One of my favourite Clarke experiences was an audiobook of 2001 he read. The stargate sequence, in his own words was quite lyrical

It's very much in the realm of vaguely explained tech that's important to the setting. I'm similarly not bothered about the logistics of the drive, I just liked the line.