Lorcan Nagle

Yeah, it's not spelled out in the show yet, but it's commonplace for ships to be under constant powered flight while they travel, accelerating at a constant 1G until the halfway point, then flipping around and decelerating.

I know some fan asked Franck and Abraham how the drive works, and they replied "very efficienatly"

I couln't remember any more details from the book, the name even just popped back into my head the other day. The books really use it as a handwave early on and don't even mention the type of engine ever again

The match heads in the coffee was to improve the taste - though Holden still hated it. I can't remember if peopel drank alcohol on the Cant before it got destroyed in the book.

The Epstein Drive used for interplanetary travel is insanely efficient, and ships frequently operate under a constant 1G thrust in the setting.

I think a lot of people were emboldened after series 1 of Battlestar Galactica aired in the UK first, and then in the US. There were some cautious please by the producers asking American fans who had downloaded the series as it aired on this side of the pond to tune in anyway to make sure they got ratings, but it

Having not read the book (I run very hot and cold on Clarke's prose), but knowing the gist of it, I enjoyed part 1 well enough. It wasn't great, but still better than a lot of older novel adaptations that take liberties with the source material.

Not having seen episode 4 yet (but I have read the books), I'm excited to know the power suits have shown up and are awesome

The Cantebury is indeed an expanding cloud of gas and debris. Welcome to an unforgiving universe!

I agree that the rest of the crew felt generic for most of Leviathan Wakes, and the show does seem to be working to change that. I think Amos' line about how he could just as easily kill Holden as help him with the transmitter, but Naomi said to help was a good start towards getting the character from the book into

That man's never watched an episode of The Expanse in his life!

3 and 4 have largely the same plot structure, but I think 4 pulled it off better. Having not read Nemesis Games yet, I'd rank them Caliban's War > Leviathan Wakes > Cibola Burn > Abaddon's Gate.

I need to get back into that. The last episode I watched was the one where they attack the hidden lab and Saitama explains his training regimen.

I liked what I saw of Avarsala in episode 1, it's a shame she can't use the same fluency in swearing that she does in the books though.

I'm sure I mentioned this in the comments for one of the binge reviews, but about 5 episodes into Jessica Jones I was asking myself why they hired a cut-rate Chris Evans, and then the bit in the hospital happened and I was "oh"

See, I think Tesla is awesome because he was nuts. He was the prototypical mad scientist.

Well, that explains the Edison bit in Another Period

Robot parts in TV are magical. Like how someone with a cyberarm can always lift more with it than their flesh one, even though the cyberarm should tear itself off the shoulder first.

I'm pretty sure Daisy killed some Hydra mooks in the finale last year. And she's shot at Ward with killing intent at least once.

The scene was heavily cut when Evil Dead finally made it to home video in the UK after its original banning. Not sure if it's even uncut on the DVDs