Lorcan Nagle


The best crazy cat lady moment after this episode was when they did the parody of Michael Apted's Up documentaries. Where they showed Eleanor, age 8, who wanted to be a doctor and a lawyer - and a few years later was a bit stressed and found solace in her cat, and you can guess where it went. The main reason it made

I think a big part of the disdain for Courtney Love was from her behaviour after Cobain's suicide. Cobain was largely articulate and erudite, even while painfully shy up until he withdrew from public life in the weeks before his suicide - it was the whole vulnerable soul of a poet thing he did so well. In the

But when series 2 comes out, you get a free frozen yoghurt, or frogurt.

That was only really in the cartoon though. I don't remember her having to do it in the comics anyway.

" a gun-toting priest "

I kinda liked them at the start because they sounded like Pearl Jam, and I was majorly into grunge at the time. But before I got any of their albums my main point of access to them was their Unplugged session, taped off the TV. Weiland didn't quite hit the same Vedder-esque notes and intonations as he did on Plush,

I think a lot if it was down to Weiland singing similarly to Eddie Vedder on a few tracks on Plush, especially Core.

There's a BBC short called Tapping the Wire (easily findable on Youtube), presumably made when they started to show it to get people watching it, and it has interviews with a bunch of the cast and crew, including Williams. He's very frank about his time as a criminal and what he was doing in his later life to try and

Chip from IT has been around as far back as Muppets Tonight

It's buttery good!

This is a Darryl-heavy episode anyway.

I had completely forgotten about that line until I showed a friend it and Feeling Kinda Naughty a couple of weeks ago to get her into the show.

Trish has been learning Krav Maga - it was why she had all the bruises earlier in the series - so she's far more likely to be able to outfight Simpson on a skill level than Jessica would.

And of course, there'll never be a situation where a woman wants to have sex but a man won't.

Like many commentators on earlier episodes, I was thinking "why the hell did they cast a cut-rate Chris Evans?", and then the pills showed up and I was like "ooooh"

I was expecting Misty Knight or Coleen Wing to be mentioned there too.

I kinda wish Marvel could wrestle the rights to the Fantastic Four back from Fox, just to do that story.

Men's Rights Activists claim that the rebalancing of rights and privilege towards minorities - but especially women - have left men in a disproportionally 'lower' position. While they do raise some good points - such as the lack of recognition of male victims of rape and domestic abuse, in general the movement is

The pilot was up for free during Amazon's greenlight season, and the first two episodes were free in the UK at least for one weekend last month.