Lorcan Nagle

And there's a couple of hints that Nobu in Daredevil series 1 was a member of The Hand

And Star Trek, especially Voyager

It's about ethics in TV journalism

I know people with anxiety issues that manifest in similar ways. Rebecca's psychological issues in the show may be exaggerated for comedy, but they're also very real, especially the manic moments she had this week and last week.

Father Brah was awesome. I also loved how Josh felt so proud of how he worked out the nickname.

I'd never heard of him until a few years ago when my wife and I were given tickets to see him in a tiny venue in Dublin. He was amazing, just playing all these awesome tracks which he'd written but were made famous one way or another by other people (be they covers, songs he wrote for other people, or in ads). He

He kinda looks like a Bond villain now that I think about it.

To the Gamergaters' benefit, when Beale tried to get them on board with Rabid Puppies, they basically told him to fuck off. Beale has a solid core of supporters (which does have some crossover with Gamergate, of course) who were big enough to screw over the Hugo nominations, but not the final vote.


If Spaced is to be believed, British porn is found in railway sidings rather than the woods.

i would pay cash money for Brother Voodoo to show up

Paula telling Rebecca to ignore the call from her mum saying she didn't need to listen to a narcissit was one of the funniest lines of the night for me.

I think a lot of the root cause is tribalism. You have all these people who have similar home experiences that feed into the stereotype of the lonely nerd/gamer, and while they may not have many friends in real life, they congregate online and share their similar stories and decide (not necessarily consciously) that

Sascha Konietzko from KMFDM is in his 50s and is still rocking a mohawk

It had to be deliberate

A big part of the problem, in my experience is that the perfect is the enemy of the good, and left-wing groups are very quick to pounce on each other for not being perfect.

Yeah, the Hackers could easily have stolen the database, gone through it and exposed only the famous hypocrites like Duggar (or whatever standard one would like to pick), but that clearly wasn't their goal.

I was watching a documentary about Anonymous recently, and a good few people that were interviewed were channers going back many years. And it was interesting to see them draw a direct line between their activism and the trolling they got up to in earlier times.

Veridian Dynamics. Friendship. It's so important. But it's different at work. Time spent with friends at work robs your employer of productivity. And robbing people is wrong. Veridian Dynamics. Friendship. It's the same as stealing.

It's called Northern Ireland