Lorcan Nagle

I don't even like Batman, I just clicked the link to look at Jock's art.

And let's not forget Orgy's… wonderful cover of Blue Monday.

I only saw most of the first series of the CC run as it aired, but I've been randomly dipping in and out of Futurama over the last few months after getting Netflix, and the newer ones definitely aren't as good as the original run. I'm still laughing out loud at bits (there was a time travel one where history got

The A.V. Club

Trent Reznor successfully C&Ded Fox News for using a Nine Inch Nails song without permission in 2006, so there's that at least

And the VA has just been forced to privatise a good chunk of their care for soldiers just back from the war. Because private healthcare in America works so well when you can't afford it.

That's a really good comparison. Back in the day Queseada and/or Jemas were saying something loudmouthed and obnoxious almost every week, and it got reported all over the comics news and gossip sites. It's notable that once Jemas left, Quesada seemed to calm down (suggesting that his behaviour was somewhat mandated

A comic starring the former WWF/E wrestler The Ultimate Warrior. Artwork in the style of the worst excesses of Image's early years, and an infamously nonsensical Christmas Special which has apinup of Warrior in what looks like an S&M session with Santa

Me and Pippi Longstocking? I mean, what would the children be like?

To this day, I refer to people as graduates of Bovine University.

And as I like to point out, '39 (written by May) is about relativstic time dilation.

The C64 was a great seller for it's day, but it remained a hobbyist computer. And I'm not knocking the C64, my first home computer was an Amstrad CPC 464 and plenty of my friends had a Commodore or a ZX Spectrum.

And if you'd been politer I'd have been far more amenable to your point. Better luck with the next person.

Say please.

Not in a long time. But hey, if it doesn't fit, plenty of other pop songs do.

Wonders of the Solar System and Wonders of the universe, hosted by Professor Brian Cox are very good.

And there's also the line at the end "want to get with me with no money? Oh no, I don't want no scrub".

There's a really nastry streak in pop music when it comes to money and selling "the lifestyle". Tracks like No Scrubs and Bills Bills Bills are basically telling women that they should prioritise wealth over love, and tell men that their primary value is their paycheck.

Yeah, I got the same vibe. Being a gamer I enjoyed a lot of the little digs like that (and then found wipe castle to just be a lazy shit joke. Or maybe a shit, lazy joke. who knows)

Get out!