Lorcan Nagle

Seriously, the best Steve Jobs biopic remains Pirates of Silicon Valley. And people should check out Triumph of the Nerds, a 3-part documentary based on the same book as Pirates .

At least they got to cameo in An Adventure in Space and Time

And Scorpius totally loved Crichton.

I wasn't comparing the water movement to anything in Show me a Hero. I was comparing my mother's attitude towards the housing estate near her house to the attitudes shown to the townhouse inhabitants upon their move into the neighbourhood.

Jobs was a great businessman, that much can't be denied. But Apple's main innovation was the Apple II being an affordable (by the standards of the time) home computer. Lotus made it into a viable alternative to big mainframes and terminals when they developed 1-2-3.

It's something that's really interesting (and saddening) to behold in Ireland, because we didn't really have much ethnic diversity up until about 20 years ago. And there's a lot of ghettoisation of eastern european, african and asian communities, they have little to no political representation, and for many people -

And it's not just racism, but classism as well. In Ireland there's a big divider at the moment over the introduction of water charges, and I got to talking to my mum about it last night. During the conversation, I said that a lot of the problems could be fixed by having better education on conservation, and she

For a second I thought you meant Delilah by Tom Jones, and I would have been all down for that. But then the memories of Hey There Delilah came back and right now I want to kill you and your friend.

Steve Jobs was an absolute shit, a tyrant of a boss and an utter bastard to his daughter and her mother, and most of the posthumous biographies of his life gloss over these aspects of his life in favour of furthering the myth that he was some great saviour of the computer industry (when all he did was repackage other

Ireland too. Two branches in Dublin that got bought out by local management when the chain went under.

I saw Front 242 about 6 years ago in Dublin and I don't think they even played a single track off Pulse

I love the remix on the UK edition of Further Down the Spiral, with a pause in the music, and a sample that goes "do you believe in miracles?" "not really", and then blam, back into synth processed guitar and trent screaming.

I forgive Bender's Game a lot because of its Scary Door segment.

Take a look at the Geek and Sundry Youtube channel. They have a few shows centred on tabletop gaming with might help:

As soon as Blanche appeared behind her, I was thinking 'old-fashioned home remedy'

Interestingly, if you look at the nomination and voting numbers, Guardians is one of the only Puppy nominations that would have made it onto the ballot, and it would have won BDP without them too.

Nora Jemsin. Beale was kicked out of the Science Fiction Writers of America after he used their official twitter account to call her a half-savage. (he was serving in an official position at the time)

Two separate measures passed voting in the business meeting: 4/6 and E. Pluribus Hugo.

Muppets Tonight was worth it for the Nine Inch Snails bit alone.

When Queen wanted to name two albums after A Night at The opera and A Day at the Races, Freddie Mercury wrote to Groucho asking for permission. He had the reply framed: