Lorcan Nagle

There's more of us than one would think!

I really enjoyed Stargate Universe. Sure, it took a hell of a lot of grimdark from BSG, but it did interesting things with it.

Prejudice towards and by belters is definitely a plot point in books 3 and 4. Not read 5 yet.

This little one's not worth the trouble. Here, let me buy you a drink.

The Baron Harkonnen was definitely into sex with teenage boys

Slight necro, but there's nothing weirder than seeing people openly carrying military grade weapons (and yeah, I know civilian versions of assault rifles are limite to semo-auto fire, but a layperson can't tell the difference at a glance).

Was she though? I got the feeling from her confessional that she was trying to look smart after the fact. Though it was very late when I watched the episode so I may have missed something.

Now I want to see KMFDM again

(slight necro, but I'm behind on my reading!)

Beatrice stabbing Micucci's character in the eye with the wine glass had me in tears laughing

Amazon lists Colin Wilson in the creator credits, so that's a good sign.

Exactly. And I was never as down on Skye as other critics of the show were (that one bit early on where she ran from the bad guy when the typical thing would be to fight back impressed me), but her development as a fighter across series 2 was one of the show's highlights.

Even Agent Dramatic Beardgrowth became interesting when he was revealed to be a traitor

Sleeper is fantastic, but works better if you have a passing familiarity with the Wildstorm universe (largely so you know better who Lynch and TAO are). Brubaker wrote a 5-issue series called Point Blank which leads into Sleeper, and it's in many ways a whistle-stop tour of the Wildstorm continuity points that are

It's truly shocking how many allegedly professional writers missed the point of Watchmen so badly.

It's on Netflix in the UK, and probably the US too. (And it's not hard to switch between the two if you use a computer or android device to access Netflix)

There's an essay Moore wrote in advance of BSG's pilot being filmed about what he calls Naturalistic Science Fiction, basically his manifesto for Galactica's look and feel. It could be you're conflating his interviews about Voyager with that?

He was of the opinion that feminism was some sort of vast, dark power that was out to censor things it didn't like and yadda yadda yadda. I don't think he even understood what Solanas did or was talking about in the first place. Referring to a book as a 'hate group' was my clue to that last part though.

"I think you can blame Valerie Solanas for that term. "

There's probably a guide to cut out the junk from the first half of series 1 but retain the plot-important episodes