Lorcan Nagle

Syrio is more of a Bravo, a strutting duelist like the three who tried to pick a fight with Arya in episode 2

Totally. The review job is far more important

I figured she was buzzing on adrenaline from the successful trip or possibly taking some mild stimulants, think the bits in Generation Kill where Person is buzzing on Ripped Fuel and it talking a mile a minute.

I showed that bit to my wife, who may have been a fan of similar yoghurts in the past, and she cracked up

He's dead, so mission accomplished!

The original Macross, Southern Cross and MOSPEDA all got licensed releases on DVD in the US and Australia in recent years. But the legal kerfuffle means that there likely won't ever be a western release of Macross 7 (though the massive cost of licensing the music is a factor there too) or Frontier, nor a re-release

And fucking over BattleTech, don't forget that.

Incedentially, there are few things as amusing as Rollins' anecdote about trying to be deadpan about buying silk suits with Blixa Bargeld - complete with a near-perfect impression of Bargeld.

Slight necro, but legend has it that Miyazaki sent a katana to Disney with a tag attached reading "NO CUTS" when they agreed to allow them distribute Princess Mononoke in English

I read his last two drafts of the Prometheus script. They're far superior to the Lindelof rewrite. Almost everything wrong with the movie was added after.

Agents of SHIELD/Veep crossover. You all know it needs to happen.

I tried watching the anime and couldn't make it through. Amazing design work, but what I saw was very much an adaptation of the novel through a Japanese lens.

In the cartoon, yeah. And while the first toys representing female characters came out in 1888 in Japan (Minerva from Masterforce, though an obsessed nerd could argue that was a female human who controlled a lifeless robot body, and the toy was so boxy that it was used in the west for a male character and nobody

You mean when they deliberately misrepresented themselves to obtain a table at a convention?

I know I'm revealing something awful about myself here, but Olivia Neutron-John in't just a reference to the person, but also the awful, awful 80s cartoon Galaxy High School.

Plus, Emma Frost is probably down for bi-curious fun so she's not going to blow his secret.

Trish Trilby - a reporter who Beast had been going out with since the 90s (she was a member of X-Factor's supporting cast for a year or two before the original X-Men rejoined the main team) split up with him over the phone in the issue between E is for Extinction and Germ-Free Generation.

I figured the wall could also be a reference to the walling in of the Palestinian enclaves

depends, does repeating "Monica: Peter Gregory is dead" count as talking about a guy?

And now all I have in my head is Captain America in Generation Kill going on about how working security for Duran Duran taught him about the primacy of comms.