Lorcan Nagle

When Melisandre showed up to take Gendry from the Brotherhood without Banners.

Didn't they film in Cordoba as well? Not been to Seville yet but Cordoba is a beautiful city and I'm really looking forward to seeing it on the screen.

Oh yes, I frequently remark that Demolition Man and Robocop are better Judge Dredd films than either one that actually bears the character's name (though I do like Dredd as an action romp and Stalonne's Judge Dredd has some charms)

A big part of the problem is that they couldn't use Molly as a character - some other studio had the rights to Neuromancer and she was part of that deal.

Also, Demolition Man is a stone cold classic.

My biggest regret is that there are no quality Scary Door clips on youtube.

I'm going to a party in space. Does that freak you out, Bret?

Did you ever hear Ministry's cover of it?

I'd just like to take a moment to express my admiration of that particular musical group as well.

Jemma might be a dimunitive version of Jemima?

They also come deep fried in batter, which is also the national emblem, flower and sport of Scotland

That's a prequel, Quitely's still drawing the back half of Jupiter's Children

IIRC Morrison did an assist on one issue from the last arc, but the rest was Millar

Yeah, I enjoyed Luck of the Fryrish, but it never had that same emotional punch for me as Jurassic Bark has.

don't forget, liar, thief and embezzler

I'm male and keep my hair very long. This does not mean i'm automatically a hippie or a peacenik, and yet people on the American right frequently use "longhair" as an epithet to describe such people. However I don't get all up in arms about it just becaue I have long hair.

I think SF is very fractured when it comes to political leanings. The UK book scene seems very liberal, the only writer I've seen have any accusations of right-wing ideology is Peter Hamilton, it seems to be more about how he describes the economics of the universes he creates and that his protagonists are frequently

Ancillary Justice really was one of the best books I read last year. I agree with @natty that the sequel doesn't quite live up to the first book, but I'm not sure any book could.

probably Kevin J. Anderson