Lorcan Nagle

Either it's a traditional seaborne one, or a Helicarrier that's keeping to the water to remain somewhat incognito. Hunter escaped from it using some sort of water craft.

The first series is just long enough that the parody of shitty WWII movies doesn't wear out too thin, and the second series broadens out to doing different types of 80s movies. There's enough moments of sheer WTFery that kept me laughing each week

Sounds to me like someone's living in the past! Contemporise! Maaaaaaaaaan

A few years back, my wife was commenting on his attractiveness. I pointed out he was a scientologist, her reply: "And that's gone"

I'm pretty sure it did in Danger 5 this year.

Make that two hard-boiled eggs

He was Billy Batson in the Shazam and Isis hour!

Idle hands was fantastic!

It was Storm Shadow in the comics.

The first I heard of Scientology was the BBC technology/cyberculture show The Net (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…, where they profiled and interviewed a critic who had been the subject of some of the "church's" earliest internet takedowns.

Isn't that just Gundam?

He tried to get one, but Peter Cullen and an assorted gang of voice actors keeps on stopping him

It's another staple Simpsons quote with my family and in-laws

I rewatched a bunch of it not too long ago. Iannucci interacting with Mister Tony Blair is still amazingly hilarious 20 years later.

I'm working under the assumption that this is just a balkanisation of SHIELD similar to the breakup of the IRA in the 90s, so we've got Provisional SHIELD, the real SHIELD, continuity SHIELD…

Yeah. and while they weren't specifically referring to any particular Bloody Sunday, the 1972 Belfast one was a particular point of contention for a long time in Irish culture - the British government only apologised and accepted culpability in the shootings in 2010.

And remains her greatest role.

That bit makes me forgive a lot of the Cryonic Woman's flaws.

One of the weirdest experiences of the last few months for me was walking past a fairly mainstream music shop and they were playing Territorial Pissings on the PA.

One of the last MTV award shows I bothered watching had Kurt Loder presiding over a lifetime achievement award for U2, and during his intro he said something along the lines of "Bono introduces 'Sunday Bloody Sunday as 'not a Rebel Song', but it is an anthem for rebellion". Maybe, just maybe he should have looked up