Lorcan Nagle

The modern X-O Manowar is quite awesome. Cary Nord and Trev Harsine do much of the art for the first two years, the story is quite epic, well thought out and there's a really nice sense that Aric's actions all have consequences, some of them very wide-ranging.

There's a weird over/under when it comes to easter eggs, like people finding the early hints to the Nine Inch Nails ARG by steganographically analysing the tracks leaked via USB keys at gigs.

You can't own a Star War, maaaaaan. It's one of God's creatures

I don't think it's that expensive. The starter box is a standard board game type thing and comes with two armies, the wand and boards.

I picked up the Valiant Humble Bundle last year, it was 3-4 trades each for X-O, Bloodshot, Harbinger, Quantum and Woody, and Archer and Armstrong, plus odds and sods like Unity, Harbinger Wars, Rai and Eternal Warrior. And a bunch of collections of the 90s runs. While I've read and enjoyed most of the modern books,

That was pretty much the moment I just said "fuck this" to mainstream superhero comics.

You mean Northern Ireland between 1968 and 1998?

Robin Ince is a fantastic standup comedian in his own right as well. I've seen him a good few times in recent years and I'm always in tears by the end.

Do you not mean "love"?

That's not a He-Man character!

The Expanse is so fucking good. I just finished Abaddon's Gate a couple of weeks ago, already have Cibola Burn in the to-read pile and am torn between reading it to see what happens next, or holding out so the wait until the next one isn't too bad.

Its problem, in my opinion, of course is that it's really a Big Dumb Object discovery in space novel, rather than a movie. It has so much in common with books like Ringworld and Rendezvous With Rama. The Trek production team couldn't pull that off in a movie though.

Only so they can write down each blasphemy and organise an angry letter-writing campaign about it.

Clamp clamp ca-bamp!

It's OK, if she did, then Dum-Dum Duggan is around to box him into submission

Northern Ireland is very strange that way. My family was once subject to a random car inspection for bombs while crossing the border, and even today the PSNI still go armed. I was in Belfast for a protest last summer and was informed that because we didn't clear our presence with the Parade Commission (set up to try

We have a great way of using euphimisms like that in Ireland. WWII was known as The Emergency at the time, so as to try and stay in everyone's good books.

Macross Plus is probably the most accessible sequel, well worth watching. And the English dub is very good as well. Bryan Cranston is in it!


Despite being a big New Romantic/synthpop fan I don't know if I ever heard the original. But there's a decent version by Peter Murphy and nine inch nails on the NIN youtube channel