Lorcan Nagle

Synth Britannia is one of the best music documentaries I've ever seen. And it's right there. Click on it, people!

I actually tear up a little bit whenever I hear Mother Love. Especially the old sample at the end of Freddie singing "I think I'm going back to the things I loved so well in my youth"

Jeunet's introduction to the Alien Resurrection director's cut is hilarious. He's basically "I didn't think there was anything wrong with the version I originally made, but Fox wanted something different for the DVD, so here's a cut with some different shots."

The workprint of Alien 3 is a much better movie. A much, much better movie.

And her outfit was basically a 40's pantsuit version of the Black Widow costume

Akira is one of my favourite comics ever.

Some of the latter-day Macross stuff is well worth tracking down, but very little is availible in the west thanks to crazy licensing shenanigans in the 80s.

Warmachine and Hordes are insanely good games, and gorgeous minis too.

That's a constant in-joke between my brother-in-law and me. He can't tell two SF shows apart, but knows I love Babylon 5, and we both love Spaced.

Does he have any other look?

Made in Heaven is easily my favourite post-70s Queen album, even the tracks they recycled from Freddie and Brian's solo works just sound better with the arrangements there.

Mother Love, on Made in Heaven is the last song he recorded vocals for. He actually had to stop before doing the last verse, hence Brian May singing that verse only on the album.

I'm not a fan of Hitchens at all, but my wife really likes him - I got her Mortality as a present shortly after it came out and she insisted I read it when she was done. I found it an absolutely amazing read. Enjoyed isn't the right term but I'm very glad I read it, even if I don't read anything else of his.

ZIM! Stop sending pigs back in time! Love, ZIM!

Rikki Simons needs to do more comics. Though to be fair, I ought to buy the web editions of the last couple of volumes of Shutterbox before I complain.

As someone born, bred, and still living in Ireland, I agree.

Or they've seen Scanners.

Wait, I thought her name was Crandall!

He was originally going to be de-aged or cloned or something. There's a couple of pre-Damon Lindelof scripts floating around the web, and IMO they're far superior.

I remember one guy claiming it'd lead to an increase in bar fights.