Lorcan Nagle

Thank you, friend Computer!

There's a few precedents, but most notably Yes, Minister, which changed to Yes, Prime Minister when Jim Hacker became leader of his party. It's one of Armando Inanauchi's favourite TV shows.

No I'm… doesn't!

The original French version, Le Diner de Cons is amazing though. I was in tears laughing at it.

It's still called Veep, though in the comments last year there was a lot of speculation they'd change the name to POTUS. Which I think would work.


I was a little surprised when R wasn't Robotech

That's basically Stargate Universe, which started out a bit rocky but was phenomenal by the end.

Oh man, I use Especially (X), but especially (Y) all the time.

Veep is also back, HBO put up a promo a couple of weeks ago

They're also a fine provider of snack dicks

Eh, he was only an improv comedian

1: They absolutely do, and oversized hardcovers as well.
2: Yes, it is.
3: X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Harbinger and Unity are probably the 4 most essential titles from a continuity point of view.

Northern Ireland. Full of lunatics, many of them religious fundamentalists, and it's so peripheral to the UK it's not even physically attached to it.

Leg disabled!

Serendipity was the first romantic comedy I saw where I said "what the actual fuck". Jon Cusack and Kate Beckinsale meet cute, believes in fate and puts her number in the front of a book, which he's not allowed buy. Flash forward a few years, they're both happy and about to get married, when various twists of fate

Similarly, a victorian slang for condoms was "french letters"

Sure you mean "love"?

My wife was listening to various songs at the weekend, and a bunch of them were love themed of the "wow, if you actually listen to the lyrics they're creepy/downright misogynistic" variety. One of them was Roxanne, and I jokingly said "Does Sting have any non-creepy songs about women?" We gave up trying to think of

I have been friends with every person I've gone out with before we went out. The woman I married was my best friend before we started a relationship.