Lorcan Nagle

Want me to hole-punch your face?

It's a real pussy wagon!

Grease is one of the worst delivery systems for a bunch of great songs ever. One of my best friend's daughter, who was 7 or 8 at the time was in a school play of Grease, and when I found out I asked her if anyone in the school had actually watched the film/play before deciding this.

Peg, why don't you do something about the state of the house? This plant is all limp and lifeless.

I'm a pro-choice activist in Ireland. It's not just illegal to get an abortion here - it's a crime with a potential 14 year jail sentence. However, it's been legal to provide information on how to travel to abroad (usually to the UK or Netherlands) to get one since 1992, and in that time an average of 10 Irish

Apparently they paid Kraftwerk up front for it.

Off the top of my head, Marvel UK has a large stable, largely because of Captain Britain's mythology and their attempt at launching a SF/superhero line in the 90s.

Idoru by William Gibson has two fantastic definitions: 'pathological techno-fetishist with social deficit' (from a Japanese charcter)

BattleTech had a license for their anime designs, via a model kit company named Twentieth Century Imports, who originally brought in Macross, Dougram and Crusher Joe kits. FASA's settlement with Harmony Gold in the 90s was the result of them running out of money to fight the lawsuit rather than an admission of guilt.

They tried to sue Hasbro a year or two ago for releasing a GI Joe/Transformers toy that looked vaguely like the original Jetfire figure (which was a licensed version of the VF-1S from Macross. The toy being licensed for Transformers meant there wasn't a Robotech branded transforming VF-1 toy until about 15 years ago)

Record numbers of police and firemen showed up. Sadly, none stayed to bowl.

The only villainous part of that answer was saying sidewalk instead of path.

I'm left-handed, and was frequently told that the school I went to only stopped forcing kids to write with their right hand afew years before I started going there.

this week on the AV Club Inventory: Peeling off your own skin with a flensing knife and 250 other things that are funnier than the Big Bagn Theory.

What about us brain-dead slobs?

Is there a chance the track will bend?

I was 19 when this episode aired, and knew what Usenet was (though I didn't read alt.tv.simpsons). I still thought the episode was hilarious, and just assumed the presumed jabs at ATS/SNPP posters were potshots at obsessed nerds.

I grew a goatee for an evil twin costume for Hallow'een one year.

They've already thrown period accuracy for songs out the window. A Cara Emerald song played during episode 1.

I've not watched III since I was a kid, but yeah, that scene creeped me out too