Lorcan Nagle

There's a similar scene in the first film, right after Lois and Superman's date. He flies off, comes back in as Clark and they have a conversation. At the end, she walks off saying he'll never compare to Superman or something like that, and he shifts his body language slightly, takes off his glasses and the music

In Dublin, the Christian Science Reading Room has a sign in the window stating that they have no connection to Scientology.

Knowing Ian Fleming wrote the script won me a trivia quiz.

Gráinne O'Malley

For Star Trek, JMS and Bryce Zabel (creator of short-lived but quite cool alien conspiracy show Dark Skies) did a pitch to Paramount for a Star Trek reboot years ago that looked pretty good: http://bztv.typepad.com/new…

Or it was just a pop culture joke. Something tells me Watch and Ward didn't have her phone number.

The Jemas era was mostly great for Marvel from a creative standpoint. They were this close to going bankrupt and just thought "fuck it, let's do some crazy shit". And it was glorious.


Did they ever show Iman? The only reference I remember was Sovereign saying "Tell Iman I'm on tour", in the episode where Phanton Limb gets his hands on ORB. But that was also the scene where Watch and Ward say everybody knows "Bowie" is the Sovereign anyway. It could easily be another throwaway gag like how Hours

So, my wife doesn't watch the Venture Brothers, but is sometimes in the room when I'm watching it, not looking at the screen, and half listening. At one point I sent her a clip from youtube I thought she'd find funny, and when talking about it after I discoverd she thought Dr. Girlfriend was the Monarch based solely

Last series, Brock said to Monstroso that they both knew the Sovereign wasn't really Bowie, but rather a shapechanger who was on the cover of Diamond Dogs.

They impersonated three Misters last series in the episode where they killed Monstroso and Molotov joined OSI as a deep cover agent.

Yeah, I was expecting JJ to have done a deal to get his brain transplanted into Rusty's body or something.

It's the 25th anniversary of Bart the General first airing.

Outside is one of my favourite David Bowie albums. Bought it solely on the strength of The Heart's Filthy Lesson, and loved every track on there.

Babylon 5 is about 50/50. The Earth Hyperion, Narn Q'Quan and the White Star all have obvious bridges, while most of the other ships that show up (notably the Omega class like the Aggamemnon) don't

The one where the Enterprise gets trapped in the energy drianing mines? They tapped at the console in that one. The joystick was in Insurrection.

As Godawful as Nemesis is, the starship combat sequences are actually pretty good.

"A single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat"

"The only thing I'm high on is love for my son and daughter. Yes sir, a little LSD is all I need"