Lorcan Nagle

I live right beside a Godfrey Road, and frequently my wife or I will say "Homer, this is God…frey Jones" as we walk down it.

I've read the first two and really enjoyed them (have 3 and 4, not read them yet).

She can't even spell her surname right!

Calm down, who's stealing your thoughts?

We was too late!

Professor Frink!

Yeah, sure he was

Well obviously they were into Greek

I'm kinda hoping Brett just shows up one episode. Like Archer fires off screen and we just hear a "DAMNIT, ARCHER!"

Said the Android Bishop to… damnit, I had something for this

I can't remember where I heard or read it, but apparently Michael Caine rates Muppet Christmas Carol as one of the most enjoyable movies to work on.

"Here is our island in de sun!"

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world the Doors were good.

Many years ago, a frind of mine was playing Paranoia at a con, got frustrated and said "Fuck the Computer" at the table.

Turing realises that a member of his team is a Soviet double agent. However, this already agent is aware that Turing is gay and proceeds to blackmail him. Turing eventually reveals this to a contact in MI6 (it's a couple of scenes later in the film, no indication of how much time passed), and it turns out they

Nah man, Deep Purple was a chess-playing computer

Damn straight

The Simpsons should be angrier. And have access to a time machine

Stuffy old songs about the buttocks is one of my all-time favourite lines. I frequently use it in conversation.

On top of all the other references, it's also a plot point in The Forever War, where Mandella becomes extravagantly rich upon his first return to Earth. Even though he's only paid for his subjective few years in service, it's sitting in a bank account for decades due to time dilation effect from his travelling