Lorcan Nagle

Keep Saturn in Saturnalia!

The Labyrinth novelisation is weird. There's a bit early on where Sarah looks in the mirror and thinks about how her breasts are growing.

I'm sure I mentioned this on here before, but the TV edit of Ghostbusters trotted out by various low-rent satellite TV channels in the UK and Ireland is even better, just excising the dickless jokes altogether:

I get the feeling Mockingbird deliberately let herself get spotted so Agent Rock Fistbump wouldn't notice Hunter was trailing him too.

I wanted to put it in my vows, but apparently it would have been disrespectful fo God.

The original plan for the Master was literally pitched as a Moriarty to the Doctor's Holmes.

Gallifrey wasn't at the co-ordinates Missy gave the Doctor. She lied to him.

There's literally a different accent for every town in Ireland, It's very common for people in the major geographic areas here to make fun of the accents of the others. (Father Damo had a thick Dublin accent, Father Noel Furlong has a Cork (or CAAAAAAARK) one, "I hear ye're a rascist now, father" is more of a middle

Being an Irish IT guy it works quite well. Except that a good chunk of the peopel I work with are also Irish.

Is Rowan still around? He did a fantastic job on Babylon 5. Him or Alastair Wilkins would be great.

Sergeant Major Sixta admits as much towards the end of the show, yeah.

I was in London that week, staying with a friend. He'd seen the finale while I was out doing stuff, and insisted I watch it when I got back to his flat, just so he could see the look on my face at the end.

There's already Christmas stuff in shops here. I'm declaring War on Christmas myself.

Unless Perkins was the only one the Doctor saved…

And I'm pretty sure there's even a pause between Dot! and Gordy! in the episode, just to hammer the gag in.

Another Nagle? I thought I was the only one (I'm not directly related or married to)!

Stop it! Stop it! Warren! Melvin! Gary! Dot! Gordy!

Initially, reading the SNPP entry for this episode made me question whether I was wrong to have found it as funny as I did. I quickly realised that in this case, it wasn't me that was wrong, but the children.

It's not far off what he was discussing on Kobol. I could see the events on New Caprica and especially the alliance with the rebel Cylons driving him to further extremes (and if he knows about Starbuck, even moreso)