Lorcan Nagle

*facepalm* Sorry about that, I totally misread you.

And here I am, listening to these bands like a goon for years. thank you so much for setting me straight. I shall destroy all my NIN and Depeche Mode parephenalia as soon as I get home

A guy I used to work with consumed the books like they were little cakes with cocaine in them (no wait, the other thing.. .raisins!), and apparently was unaware of their nature as hilarious right-wing christian propaganda.

After Adore came out one of my friends was deperately trying to get me to listen to it, citing similarities to Depeche Mode and NIN.

Apparently it's a book about, well I'm sure you can figure it out.

Russel T Davies often heavily rewrote other people's scripts during his tenure as showrunner, but never took a credit. Assuming Moffat maintains that tradition I'd agree that there's a much more collaborative process at hand in the episodes he's co-writing.

He got lost and took damage to his space suit that killed his beacon. The crew commander wanted to go look for him but ran out of time.

RE: The In medias res moments: The odd stylistic choices for the opening s of the early episodes kinda threw me off the show for a few weeks. 33, moving rapidly between the pilots launching and effectively making goofy faces until you understand what's going on; Water, where you have these closeups of Boomer

Cottle is one of the characters my friends and I loved from the moment he showed up till his very last appearance. WWDCD was a mantra for us,

'39 is my all-time favourite song!

Ming mong isn't rascist, but it is disciminatory. 'Mong' is an insult for mental disability

Rumours abounded throughout the early 90s that George Michael and Queen were going to tour toegther but it never happened. They eventually got replaced with Robbie Williams (not my best choice, but he probably would have done better than the people who have toured with Queen)

Sean Connery played an Egyptian, damnit!

Laird did as well. He shows up a couple of times during series 4

I was going through stuff in my house about a year and a half ago, picked up the Series 5 DVDs, spotted that Sleeping in Light had a commentary track and couldn't remember if I'd ever listened to it. I stuck it on, was bawling crying at Sheridan and Delenn's farewell even with JMS talking over it (and calling

When I first read about the weapons system on the Liandra, I pictured someone standing in a small space, with a holoprojection like you see in the Minbari war room, and them basically throwing punches, or using a fighting pike to designate targets for the ship to fire at. Which probably would have worked better than

On the bright side of things, Mrs Brown's Boys is an Irish comedy, just produced by a British company, much like Father Ted was.

Chief O'Brien! He's no officer, he works for a living.

I found a copy in a second-hand shop a few weeks after it won the Arthur C Clarke award and Ann Leckie got interviewed about it on Sword and Laser - her description of the book intruiging me. I really enjoyed it, well deserved the Hugo.

So, back in '94, I go to see The Crow in the cinema, and one of the trailers before hand was for The Getaway remake. In the second or two of silence between it and whatever came on after, someone shouts out "don't go, it's shit!"