Lorcan Nagle

Series 1 only got made because Sky co-funded it. Part of their deal was the right to air it first in the UK.

And in the UK and Ireland at least, the home video release was awful. Originally sold as single DVDs with 2 episodes on them at €25 or so per disk, with "box sets" - basically a slipcase containing 4 of those DVDs for about €70 - so you still needed to get 3 boxes per series. It was insanely expensive.

This is coming along quite late, I'm horribly behind in my AVC reading, but:

Hey, Chambers did lots… like, uh tilting her head sideways at Max's memory crystal that had cross-species porn on it. And, hey, the actress had short roles in Babylon 5 and A Call to Arms too.

It doesn't help that in the small amount of Crusade we did get, Patricia Tallman wasn't able to do the episode which had a planned Lyta cameo. (She was meant to be the rebel telepath leader Matheson helped in the episode where the alien in the giant snowglobe mindscanned a bunch of the crew)

Two years ago, there was an art show in the Dublin science gallery called Hack the City, one of the pieces was video shot using a drone. They flew up and down Barrow Street - where Google has 3 buildings, and as people in their offices noticed it they closed the blinds (and some people stuck phones out through the

Stab City on Wikipedia used to redirect to Limerick, which amused me no end.

I was in Portlaoise for work the day the tickets first went on sail, and there was a fairly long queue outside the shopping centre for a medium size town. I get into the office and the two guys there were on the ticketmaster website, looking to get tickets (sllegedly for family members)

Well, the Irish Republican Brotherhood didn't last much past 1916 (they basically became the original IRA during the Irish War of Independence), so I really doubt it was them :D

Attack and I Walk the Line were staples in the goth club in Dublin for years.


Oh, you're very good at the banter, sir

There is precedent in real life for someone who's had an abortion to change their stance. The woman who prompted Roe Vs. Wade is now pro-life, for example.

Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea?

App's been used as an abbreviation for application in the IT industry for at least 30 years. Lotus 1-2-3 was often referred to as a "killer app" - it was wholly essential for early adopters of desktop computers in offices.

Well, is it definitely plugged in correctly?


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I can't stand it

I refer to Bob Dylan as Uncle Robert to this very day

@avclub-f6c20ac57bba7e97e2115bc5763508c5:disqus Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve is another infamous case of the royalties oin to the sampled composer, in this case, it's the Rolling Stones (or a manager of theirs possibly).