Lorcan Nagle

@avclub-f6c20ac57bba7e97e2115bc5763508c5:disqus Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve is another infamous case of the royalties oin to the sampled composer, in this case, it's the Rolling Stones (or a manager of theirs possibly).

The end is a decent endcap.  It is a cliffhanger, but more of an introspective one than a mortal danger one.

The end is a decent endcap.  It is a cliffhanger, but more of an introspective one than a mortal danger one.

The last time I was in London I found a shop that primarily specialised in kitsch stuff, but had a substantial amount Moomin and Ghibli merchandise too.  It was quite awesome.

The last time I was in London I found a shop that primarily specialised in kitsch stuff, but had a substantial amount Moomin and Ghibli merchandise too.  It was quite awesome.

Gomer Pyle is a TV show, which to the best of my knowledge never made it to the UK or Ireland. So my entire knowledge of it comes from when it's been parodied in the Simpsons or Futurama.

Gomer Pyle is a TV show, which to the best of my knowledge never made it to the UK or Ireland. So my entire knowledge of it comes from when it's been parodied in the Simpsons or Futurama.

That was my brother in law's incoming text sound on his phone for the longest time.  Oddly, he's not a nerd.

That was my brother in law's incoming text sound on his phone for the longest time.  Oddly, he's not a nerd.

Hey, what the fuck are you kids doing on my fucking lawn? And don't fucking look at me when I'm talking to you.

Hey, what the fuck are you kids doing on my fucking lawn? And don't fucking look at me when I'm talking to you.

The last two episodes have really done a great job of ratcheting up the tension in the Toni/Police story arc.  Every time Sofia gets pulled over you expect something horrible to happen, and yet it's not a relief when nothing does.

The last two episodes have really done a great job of ratcheting up the tension in the Toni/Police story arc.  Every time Sofia gets pulled over you expect something horrible to happen, and yet it's not a relief when nothing does.

I have this image of the set of an L&R movie, wher ea note comes down from the execs above:  "Too much Love, not enough Rockets!"

I have this image of the set of an L&R movie, wher ea note comes down from the execs above:  "Too much Love, not enough Rockets!"

Heh, back when the original teaser came out for Dethklok (before it was renamed), I ended up with an MP3 of the Duncan Hills Jingle.  Which got played a lot, and passed to friends.  And it grew in legend until I was walking down one of the main streets in Dublin city, saw a bunch of emo kids across the road and

Heh, back when the original teaser came out for Dethklok (before it was renamed), I ended up with an MP3 of the Duncan Hills Jingle.  Which got played a lot, and passed to friends.  And it grew in legend until I was walking down one of the main streets in Dublin city, saw a bunch of emo kids across the road and

I found O'Hare a lot more enjoyable as an actor when I rewatched series 1 on DVD. Possibly because the performance wasn't spread out across 6 months (which definitely helped the telepath arc in series 5), but I'd definitely agree with a lot of what you said here.

Lorcan Nagle

I found O'Hare a lot more enjoyable as an actor when I rewatched series 1 on DVD. Possibly because the performance wasn't spread out across 6 months (which definitely helped the telepath arc in series 5), but I'd definitely agree with a lot of what you said here.

Lorcan Nagle

Not necessarily - a few months as I was waiting for a bus, some kid walking by shouts "Oh my God!  Bus Wankers" at everyone at the stop.