Lorcan Nagle

Not necessarily - a few months as I was waiting for a bus, some kid walking by shouts "Oh my God!  Bus Wankers" at everyone at the stop.

Stolen Earth was the last good Dalek episode IMO.  They were proper evil in that one, Davros was one step ahead of the the doctor all the way through it, they even made fun of the whole MY VISION HAS EEN IMPAIRED thing; and then they ruined it with Tate's DAvid Tennant impression and some naff comedy I AM OUT OF

Stolen Earth was the last good Dalek episode IMO.  They were proper evil in that one, Davros was one step ahead of the the doctor all the way through it, they even made fun of the whole MY VISION HAS EEN IMPAIRED thing; and then they ruined it with Tate's DAvid Tennant impression and some naff comedy I AM OUT OF

Oh My God, they killed Jenny!  You Bastards!

Oh My God, they killed Jenny!  You Bastards!

Wasn't Genesis of the Daleks referred to as the first act of the Time War in RTD's essay?

Wasn't Genesis of the Daleks referred to as the first act of the Time War in RTD's essay?

Do you actually know any women? 

Do you actually know any women? 



DS9's series finales tended to be bigger events for sure, but B5's were tense in a different way. In series 1-3, the finales left a sense of unease - like you don't know what's going to happen next for the universe overall rather than for the characters. That said, if series 4 had ended with "The Face of the Enemy"

DS9's series finales tended to be bigger events for sure, but B5's were tense in a different way. In series 1-3, the finales left a sense of unease - like you don't know what's going to happen next for the universe overall rather than for the characters. That said, if series 4 had ended with "The Face of the Enemy"

Santiago's first name was Luis, which I (being Irish, 14 and unfamiliar with Spanish culture) heard as 'Louise' for the whole of episode 1

Lorcan Nagle

Santiago's first name was Luis, which I (being Irish, 14 and unfamiliar with Spanish culture) heard as 'Louise' for the whole of episode 1

Lorcan Nagle

It was printed on the spot from vending machines, customised to the user's preference. There's an episode early in Series 1 where Sinclair and Delenn discuss what they add to their respective editions.

Lorcan Nagle

It was printed on the spot from vending machines, customised to the user's preference. There's an episode early in Series 1 where Sinclair and Delenn discuss what they add to their respective editions.

Lorcan Nagle

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus going even further back.  There's too many writers now who's primary influence is 70's, 80's or 90's superhero books, and as such are trying largely to reproduce the comics they enjoyed as kids.  And as soon as one of them gets into a position of authority, they retcon

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus going even further back.  There's too many writers now who's primary influence is 70's, 80's or 90's superhero books, and as such are trying largely to reproduce the comics they enjoyed as kids.  And as soon as one of them gets into a position of authority, they retcon

Heh, I started going out with my wife shortly before B5 ended, so the worst she had to put up with was my crying through Sleeping in Light

Lorcan Nagle