Lorcan Nagle

Heh, I started going out with my wife shortly before B5 ended, so the worst she had to put up with was my crying through Sleeping in Light

Lorcan Nagle

I think that's one of B5's biggest strengths - it draws influence from outside of TV sci-fi in general (well, there's a bit of The Outer Limits/Twilight Zone in there at times, but it's more structural than plot/setting and JMS was a huge Rod Sterling fan). Far too many SF shows before B5 were influenced by Trek (or

I think that's one of B5's biggest strengths - it draws influence from outside of TV sci-fi in general (well, there's a bit of The Outer Limits/Twilight Zone in there at times, but it's more structural than plot/setting and JMS was a huge Rod Sterling fan). Far too many SF shows before B5 were influenced by Trek (or

Well, my work here is done

Lorcan Nagle

Well, my work here is done

Lorcan Nagle

This was  probably the first point where I felt that B5 was something really special.  If this was Star Trek - especially TNG or early DS9, the President would have been saved, and the Shadows would have been stopped from destroying the Narn colony.  These two acts were pretty major events by the standards of TV at

This was  probably the first point where I felt that B5 was something really special.  If this was Star Trek - especially TNG or early DS9, the President would have been saved, and the Shadows would have been stopped from destroying the Narn colony.  These two acts were pretty major events by the standards of TV at

sounds like most technology to me. and I work in IT…

Lorcan Nagle

sounds like most technology to me. and I work in IT…

Lorcan Nagle

Yeah, the last few episodes, where someone inside the conspiracy was helping him against the people who erased him were very good.

Lorcan Nagle

Yeah, the last few episodes, where someone inside the conspiracy was helping him against the people who erased him were very good.

Lorcan Nagle

You can use the Matrix Reloaded to prove that the whole Matrix runs on UNIX…

Lorcan Nagle

You can use the Matrix Reloaded to prove that the whole Matrix runs on UNIX…

Lorcan Nagle

The thing that makes 2001 and Alien/Aliens work is the versimilitude - they're not necessarily real, but they feel real because of relatable elements. In 2001 you've got commercial spaceflight that's not much different from sitting on a passenger flight. The Nostromo may not be a realistic spaceship, but it's got

The thing that makes 2001 and Alien/Aliens work is the versimilitude - they're not necessarily real, but they feel real because of relatable elements. In 2001 you've got commercial spaceflight that's not much different from sitting on a passenger flight. The Nostromo may not be a realistic spaceship, but it's got

That graphic interface in Jurassic Park was real.  It was just really shit so it never caught on.

That graphic interface in Jurassic Park was real.  It was just really shit so it never caught on.

JMS did a Thor relaunch a few years ago and a lot of what he did influenced the Thor movie. So he ended up with a cameo. Apparently Stan Lee is in that scene too but I never spotted him

Lorcan Nagle

JMS did a Thor relaunch a few years ago and a lot of what he did influenced the Thor movie. So he ended up with a cameo. Apparently Stan Lee is in that scene too but I never spotted him

Lorcan Nagle

Uh, I zip, then fasten.