
I just like bumping these months-old anti-BlackBerry topics so I can get some metaSchadenfreude at the expense of people who were counting RIM (now BB) out with their "RIM is DEAD. I am so smart! S-M-RT!" Schadenfreude.

I had the LASERDISC of Clue that I had to rip to DVD because my laserdisc player was starting to go whacky... of course hindsight being 20/20 I should have just bought the DVD for $4.99 or whatever it costs now, but that's water under the bridge.

If you're TRYING to drive reasonable-minded technology enthusiasts away from your site, forever, you have succeeded. No clicks for you.

The comments on this thread have derailed into a "who tips poorly" discussion, when the very important issue of systemic racism is not discussed at all.

Ass sweat + new jeans + white plastic = a phone uniquely "You".

@mondello Think "Dick Cheney" and "Dr. Laura Schlessinger". Two people of the opposite sex.

Giz leaves out a lot of facts, as there's only so-much space and they need to make room for all the incorrect statistics, glib comments not based in reality, and the one eyebrow raised beret-wearing "oh, REALLY?" cynicism. Facts and reasoned analysis is for other sites... on Giz, that junk just clogs up the pipes.

racist much?

Well, at least glass has legitimate uses besides killing or training people to kill.

If you complain about Rupert Murdoch's ethical failings, and yet continue to support his other News Corp properties (yes, I'm looking at YOU, viewers of Fox network programming (Simpson's, Family Guy, American Idol, etc., etc.,)) you are part of the problem. You simply have to tune out ANYTHING News Corp in protest of

@torched - White Gold Wielder

You are entitled to your opinion. Just don't try to legislate your opinion onto others.

Provocative yet stupid question, followed by a lie, followed by another lie, followed by another lie, followed by a statement that attempts to legitimize the "tyranny of the majority", followed by a anti-free-speech admonition.

...and because environmental protection is abysmal. For a country to be less costly in which to manufacture goods, it's not just wages that are low.

but what if you had the option to by an Apple brand iPhone made to the same specifications as the one from Foxconn... but made in U.S.A., for $150 more? Would you?

Can you say "disgruntled ex-employee"? A clean-up on aisle 4 is better than a semi-automatic weapon.

Another provocative and incorrect Gizmodo title. Arianna should start firing people. This article is so full of fail I don't know where to start.

But making animal cruelty 'entertainment' is kind-of disturbing. Especially comical entertainment. This is different than watching a movie where an animal is in peril for one reason or another... this is laughing at the act of a human intentionally harming animals. It's not whether it's real or not. Is a racist verbal

We do that in Canada, but to us city dwellers, it's not a good thing... it's called "sprawl" and basically results in turning natural terrain and farmland into unnecessary low-density housing. Get the wrong people on your local city council, and all the land that should be preserved for nature is on the table for

Google "Brett Ratner". Tell me that a white man didn't get "heat" far more serious than T.I. or Morgan did, for a far less serious incident (Ratner's comment was a casual, throwaway that he didn't even think about, but both T.I. and Morgan sat and thought about this and then basically tried to marginalize anti-gay