
I think it's only fair to notify those in proximity to you at work that some aroma "spray" is possible so they can avoid you.

But THIS is what fits, just from his looks...

And ON and ON and ON

You forgot one, possibly the MOST IMPORTANT: don't assume that just become someone's IM status is "available" that they actually ARE available. They may be on the phone, in the middle of composing an email or actually talking to another real life person in their presence. So, the first thing you do in an instant

@Unspellable "But, no honest person believes it's caused by man. "

I carry my camera with me everywhere. I want to have it with me to capture those moments of beauty in life. Not having it with me isn't an option. But, I don't take dozens of photos a day. I take a handful of photos every month. I always have favoured cameras that take AA batteries for that reason: if I'm out and

Is your ID ironic?

I don't know... seems like Fox has told a lot of lies and misrepresentations, and their audience is mostly people who lack sound reasoning ability. If your audience is a bunch of low-IQ gun owners who have a "righteous anger" attitude, and you tell them over and over that their problems are because of the PEOPLE in

So long as you're willing to call anyone who wants to install (or further entrench) "Christian Theocracy" terrorists, we're all on the same page. My money's on these old coots being uneducated Libertarian / Tea Bagger Christians... because they fit the profile of "Keep your government hands off my Medicare" ironic

What I really need in iTunes is an integrated view of all my iOS devices and my library: I need to see a list of tracks and columns that represent each device I have associated with my iTunes account, so I can see which files are on which devices, and be able to manage that by unchecking a checkbox in the column for

The latest greatest Android superphone is released, and all people are talking about is the NEXT one, having BETTER specs. I miss the good old days.

If you combine pure blue light with pure yellow light, it can be perceived as green because of, well, I don't know, but the same principle applies: in combining blue light and yellow light do the wavelengths actually change, or does our brains combine the two colours and perceive them as a single green colour? If I

@patches8 Yes, I am insulted. The Itch-eww-ation is the total opposite gay. I won't even articulate any of the ways.

One thing the rulers of South Africa did right was to disassemble Apartheid before a violent bloodbath occurred. I think the so-called 1% should see the writing on the doll(ar bill) and, even if they're sincere libertarian or capitalists, support the notion of the "redistribution of wealth" before the United States of

I already paid $300 for the slingbox, now I'm supposed to pay $30 more to watch it. Nice way to treat your paying customers, sling. Here's hoping that you don't get many more.

why would you preorder an iPhone 4s? What's the big deal? Is it because you work as a tech writer and have to keep on tp of trends? I don't get it otherwise.

Ever since I saw the movie "Boys on the Side", the c-word is no worse than any other except funnier because other people get so offended. Ha.

I guess the point is if you say "you're a homosexual" with contempt in your voice in an effort to insult, you're homophobic... just like saying "you're just a GIRL" would have to be considered misogynistic no matter how much someone says "I don't hate women" after using that as a slur.

The mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, is homophobic in the sense that he actually fears homosexuals. I don't think he HATES us. He is actually SCARED that someone would possibly make advances on him, or he would get AIDS or something.

Actually, in the business world, that's not how it works: if the firefighter is the best at putting out the fire he started, they keep him on, with a reprimand or wag-of-the-finger. Punishment for the sake of punishment is NOT good business.