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Season 1 is the worst, of course. After that, yeah S4 was teetering on the edge of the stupidity event horizon.

Seasons 3 and 4 went all in. On terrible stories, but at least they went all in!

That’s true. Arrow petered out after Season 2, to be honest. Though perhaps that’s not quite true. Seasons 3 and 4 were a different breed of terrible than the exhaustion and burnout of 6 and 7.

Arrow ended over 2 years ago!

I think the biggest mistake they made was mistaking lightheartedness for complete silliness. Season 7 was tons of fun, though.

Huh? Seasons 4 and 6 gave us some of the best dialogue of the entire show.

Since it’s mostly the same writers as Justified, they can just use their ‘create compelling, colorful, 3-dimensional characters out of thin air’ powers, right?

Being better than Saward is a low bar, though (I also love Peter Davison’s Doctor).

I think sometimes it works. The chemistry between the 4th Doctor and Romana II is one of the most enjoyable parts of Seasons 17 and 18, for example. Whereas at other times, as with Martha, it just consumes the character (and the season around it), preventing her from receiving any deeper characterization.

Well, it’s got a lot of competition. It’s hard to be a worse season of tv than one that has Terror of the Vervoids and The Ultimate Foe in it, or Timelash, The Mark of the Rani, and Attack of the Cybermen. Chibnall did make a valiant effort, however.

True. Also the 1st Doctor’s companions. The rest in Classic Who I’m not so sure about...

The scripts were probably written before the casting, so I doubt it was that. It’s probably more just one weird scene that even Moffat regrets putting in.

I think Flux might be the worst season of Doctor Who ever. That doesn’t make this episode good, because, as you noted, it really bungles its central concept, which had lots of potential. It’s a shame.

The only time the Daleks have felt genuinely threatening to me in the revival were in S1, particularly the Emperor-worshipping Daleks from Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways. Evolution of the Daleks is practically a Dalek sitcom at times.

Because that TARDIS looks like something an eccentric time traveler might actually live in. This TARDIS looks like a beehive.

There were some great Dalek one-liners in this to add to the pile.

Agreed, I thought it was rubbish. Didn’t make good use of the time loop concept at all. The Nick/Sarah stuff was so weird and poorly handled.

I actually agree with you having re-watched S8. It’s terrific, and one of the absolute best seasons of the show, period.

I know some people have a burning hatred for it, but I think it’s fine. Better than The Wedding of River Song, Last of the Time Lords, and better than all of Chibnall’s finales by a mile. Nice bit of atmospheric scene-setting for the 50th. The Impossible Girl arc is much cleverer than people give it credit for. The

And I agree with the article—SM3's version of Evil Peter was dead on, and very funny.