I’d rank the Webb films basically tied for dead last—both equally awful.
I’d rank the Webb films basically tied for dead last—both equally awful.
The Amazing Spider-Man also has terrible action, lol.
Spider-Man 3 is a bad film, but it understands Spider-Man in a way that The Amazing Spider-Man doesn’t. The latter, in fact, misses the point of the character by a very wide margin.
You have to give it props for juggling all the narrative elements so deftly, and with mesmerizing art to boot.
“But still, every season has its share of clunkers and every showrunner has their weaknesses.”
Yeah, I agree with that. I’d also submit Hero or Hate Crime? and Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs as potential candidates as well.
She’s credited with Time’s Up For the Gang, which is one of the best Sunny episodes ever.
Seasons 11-13 weren’t great, but I thought S14 was pretty good.
I’m reluctant to assign too much credit or blame to individual writers because I know that’s not how these things work....but it’s nice to have Glenn Howerton on the writing staff again. The next 2 episodes are credited to Howerton, McElhenney, and Day. That gives me some hope.
I also thought Seasons 9 and 10 were pretty stellar.
Somewhere under Love and Monsters is a brilliant episode. Somewhere in there.
Also, all four have fairly clear arcs if you really look. Eccleston’s is the most obvious, because S1 is very tightly-knit and mostly sticks to Earth. Harder to do across multiple seasons with varying locations, but there’s still quite a bit of character work for the 10th (learning to control his ego), 11th (learning…
Serializing an anthology series has never quite fit, I think. The entire appeal of Doctor Who is that you’re not locked down to one location or story-line every week.
Oh, man, the trial stuff in Broadchurch S2. Don’t remind me.
Absolutely true. The S10 finale is just brilliant on every level.
His Dalek ones are usually alright, that’s true. Nothing entirely special, but not as bad as these, either.
Yep, it’s been nice seeing him re-embrace the show and the fans.
To be fair, Fear Her only exists because Stephen Fry’s planned episode fell through, and they had to get something up on screen.
Eccleston is never working with RTD again. Whatever happened behind the scenes with S1 broke their working relationship.
We don’t have to wait much longer, thankfully! Pretty sure she’ll show up in the 60th. Her, Smith, and Tennant would make a fun special.