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Totally agreed, and interest in the show has dropped off big time. The first season is one of the best first seasons of any show in recent memory, though.

Totally agree. Cartoon Saloon is where Pixar was at 2 decades ago, but Pixar’s still got a consistency that other animation studios lack.

I thought this was lovely, probably a B+. Yes, this latest run of Pixars hasn’t been up to their legendary aughts run, but it’s still pretty dang good. I think Dowd’s being a bit grumpy towards it.

Yeah some concrete character progression would be nice.

Arguably that’s the nature of comedies, though. The characters are always joke machines first and foremost.

Probably, yes. Could also refer to the fact that he said he had trouble keeping up a consistent schedule in prior Rick and Morty seasons.

Yeah, I didn’t have any major issues with this episode, which was a relief. The past season was its rockiest to date (and I had some problems with S3 as well), but at least it found its footing by the end. You pretty much nailed it—Jessica’s meh, and I’d wish they’d find a new angle for Morty, but there weren’t any

Skip guides are your friend.

Shoulda left it after Crossfire. But I love Children of Time.....

S4 is the one where Worf joins, and 5 is the one where the Dominion War begins. I’d put both at the top of the heap in terms of Star Trek seasons, up there with Seasons 3 and 6 from TNG in terms of sheer consistency.

But...but “Living Witness”.

Michael Emerson is the main reason I’m interested. 

Some feel that the series lost depth when it switched to an action adventure series rather than one about a ravaged post-colonial landscape. Personally I think there was definitely more potential in that area that the writers left untapped.

The first three seasons are uneven at times, but still competently produced television with a number of highlights.

Ugh. The pro-S8 arguments were so weak.

But Daenerys’ turn is totally justified because the show’s trying to say monarchy is bad!!!

The first two seasons of Enterprise are worse than any season of Voyager, but the final two seasons are better than every Voyager season, so it’s about even.

I don’t know about that. Voyager S2 is one of the worst seasons in the entire franchise. And you haven’t gotten to the final two seasons yet...

Absolutely true, Voyager killed the franchise. But there are some solid episodes in it, especially in Seasons 4 and 5.

They’re also only producing 13-15 every year and a half. Lord knows what Piller and co. could’ve come up with under that schedule.