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They’re both D-tier shows. I’m not seeing a huge difference there.

Eh, it shares the same weaknesses, but Patrick Stewart’s in it.

Lower Decks is tolerable.

But modern Trek is not fun to watch the way Sub Rosa is. It’s just a dysfunctional slog with nothing to offer other than sound and fury the way 09 and Into Darkness are.

Yeah, you must be new. Being high-quality isn’t on the agenda for Kurtzman-era Trek.

Looks like Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

He loves The Leftovers.

Christopher Eccleston hates it, lol.

They should’ve cancelled it after S1.

He stole this episode, easily the season’s strongest so far.

Aye, that’s a classic too. Maybe the Legends writers should’ve taken some inspiration from Doctor Who.

I feel like the problem with S1 was that it focused too much on nonsensical time travel mechanics at the expense of....everything. Coherence, characterization, compelling villains. I feel like the key to great time travel stories is using them to probe the emotions of the characters in ways that wouldn’t be possible

Yeah I love that one. 

The Big Themes were always there, though.

To be fair, they have a lot of limitations against them. They’re on a network with a low budget and lots of restrictions, they don’t have a set end date, etc...it would indeed be very hard for any writers’ room to write 170 episodes about the freaking Green Arrow (not much source material tbh) and keep it fresh and

That’s because neither of them climbed back to the ‘not great, but enjoyable’ levels of the first couple seasons.

Get rid of them. Watch One Punch Man or Invincible or the DCAU.

Jenna Coleman good. I’m on board for that alone.

One of Linklater’s best, too.

School of Rock is awesome.