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Reading him go from a skeptic to a massive fan is still extremely fun all these years later. Well done, Dennis. And well done Halt for one of the most impressive turnarounds in television history.

Lol. You didn’t know how right you were......

It’s a claustrophobic, poorly lit nightmare.

You’re an AV Clubber who hasn’t seen Community? That’s rare.

Funnily enough, the anime called Monster is fucking amazing.

I don’t often say this (I love Community much more), but I much preferred Black Mirror’s take at the time. Community’s was one of the few ‘concept’ episodes that didn’t land with me for some reason.

There’s still plenty of time to take it to the next level, to be fair. Hopefully it gets there.

Such moral gaps (or gaping holes, rather) are in almost every Chibnall episode. There’s a thoughtlessness to the era.

I don’t know about that. The TARDIS set is awful. The show may look more expensive but the actual visual storytelling has taken several steps down. The cast may not be given great material, but they’re certainly not elevating it at all (The eighth episode of S12 is a pretty solid episode of Doctor Who, and they still

I have a soft spot for It Takes You Away, too. It pales in comparison to other ‘weird’ episodes like Warrior’s Gate or The Doctor’s Wife, but I liked its relative ambition.

I’ve since re-watched S8, and I agree, it’s one of the best Doctor Who seasons. I still really dig S10 though. My updated ranking would go 9>5>1>8>4>6>10>3>2>7>11>12. 

If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I’d have two nickels, but it’s still weird that it happened twice.

Nothing in Big Finish has topped Jubilee yet.

Smith’s first scene is filming on a beach...just like how his first 11th Doctor scene was on the beach from The Time of Angels.

Apparently they wanted to end it themselves instead of stepping down and handing it off to someone else. Didn’t HBO offer to hire more writers for them to work with, too? 

Haven’t seen it.

It’s not like the show did anything actually interesting with either of them. Probably for the best.

Has there ever been a good trial episode in a non-legal show (I kinda count Better Call Saul as one of those)? Even Hannibal’s sucked.

It’s on HBO Max now.