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On here, yes. I’ve seen plenty of people elsewhere dismiss the Capaldi era.

It wasn’t, and that’s a shame. It would be the best episode of Series 7 if it had a smooth ending.

I think The God Complex is a terrific episode that flies under the radar.

Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel was also based on Spare Parts—obviously World Enough and Time did it better.

Fair point. We also already know the Time Lords suck.

Perhaps, but who knows how much was changed episode-by-episode? I imagine some were quite substantial. I think he was great at it regardless.

Flanderized 11th Doctor.

Surely someone with some experience in sci-fi would be best? I guess RTD and Moffat didn’t fit that bill, but still. Wouldn’t hurt.

I’ve only listened to a few of the most famous ones like Jubilee, The Chimes of Midnight, and Spare Parts. Takes some getting used to, but I do love exploring new corners of the Doctor Who universe.

I’d go with Caves of Androzani or Doctor Who and the Silurians.

The average Chibnall episode is worse than average RTD episode, for me. At least the latter had snappy dialogue.

It would be a very nice fit for the character.

I definitely agree that future show-runners could make them that much more interesting by shaking things up a little bit. Moffat didn’t really have any interest in them, which is a shame, and Chibnall is...Chibnall.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” was another great one. Even Jackie Tyler was spouting it in The Stolen Earth....

I agree with that. I like that first half well enough. It’s the second that sapped my enthusiasm at the time. Was the most bored with the show I had been (Series 11 shattered that record). Series 8, for all its flaws, felt really fresh and exciting.

World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls is that story for me. The best finale of the new series without a doubt.

Indeed, that would have made a much stronger cap to it.

When you’re watching a Holmes story in which the genius detective just gives up and blows out the brains of the villain instead of outsmarting him.....something’s not right.

If that hadn’t been the case it probably would have been the best episode of Series 7.

I don’t know if I count putting a random word throughout the season as an actual arc, though, nor would coherent be the first word I’d use to describe RTD’s plotting.