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Damn, too bad Capaldi was already taken....I’m sure he can find someone else adept at yelling curse words.

Yes, Lie of the Land was a big disappointment, as was Empress of Mars, but I like The Eaters of Light. That, plus the overall strength of the main cast allows me to consider it in contention. The 12th Doctor, Bill, and Nardole were one hell of a team. Certainly much better than Series 8 to me, though I see why some

Yes, it basically boiled down to The Master giving The Doctor a powerpoint presentation. Would have much preferred to strictly focus on the Lone Cyberman, perhaps ending with a tease for the Timeless Child next year. Trying to shove it all into one finale.....didn’t work.

Disappointed but not surprised. Chibnall has a completely different set of goals and ambitions. Which happen to be quite low.

It’s not that I hate Chibnall or want the program to fail. It’s just.... certain people spent the past decade lambasting Moffat non-stop. 

I....really dislike his first season. The arc for Ryan and Graham had potential, but it was whiffed quite badly I think. They made peace with Grace’s death in It Takes You Away...only for Graham to try and kill Tim Shaw in the finale (as if that was ever going to happen).

No, Broadchurch wasn’t actually that good, much as I enjoyed it. It was a pretty dumb, pulpy show carried by stellar performances. The Power of Three is mostly really good, until it’s completely ruined by the ending.

I’d say his run was up and down. Much like Doctor Who itself.

Remember when Davros tried to guilt the Doctor for not saving absolutely everyone when he was about to destroy all of reality?

Classic Who might have actually peaked with its first episode, though. That’s the amusing part.

Didn’t stop him from writing Love and Monsters though......

It was Sherlock which really suffered. The back half of that series resembles a paper written by someone who hasn’t slept in a week....probably because he hadn’t.

Production chaos.

Midnight, penned by RTD, is one of the best episodes of the show. RTD was a fantastic writer when he dropped the camp—don’t get me started on The Zombie Master obsessively eating chicken and shooting lightning out of his hands.

By no means is it the general consensus. Large chunks of the fanbase love Seasons 5, 9, and 10, and you’ll find plenty of defenders of 6 and 8 too. At least we can all agree, no matter who you prefer, RTD or Moffat.....Series 7 sucked.

It’s all been downhill since Series 1!

Yes, the Matt Smith era eventually collapsed under its own weight (I will defend Series 5 as terrific and I think Series 6 is pretty strong episodically, but it’s the truth). Series 9 and 10 are simply excellent.

I’ll politely disagree with that. Capaldi’s final two seasons are the best one-two punch since Season 26 + Series 1. And Series 5 is easily the best season of the revival.

It’s silly and melodramatic, but it works.

Yep, pretty much all the non-Moffat scripts in the RTD era were massively overhauled by Davies himself. One of the main reasons that it was such a difficult, time-consuming task. Human Nature/The Family of Blood wouldn’t be the story it is without RTD. A Writer’s Tale was an eye-opening read.