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And of consistently low quality.

I don’t like the idea of The Doctor herself specifically being the Timeless Child, no matter the execution. The concept of the source of regeneration being the Timeless Child has potential.

Wasn’t wild about the Hybrid stuff, but at least it was by far the least important part of Series 9.

Remember Ryan’s brilliant, deep character arc in Series 12 about...shooting hoops?

Armando Ianucci for next Doctor Who showrunner?

They are a basic, unchanging concept. When you try to mess with that, as Moffat did, it doesn’t tend to work as well. Hence the backlash to certain aspects of the Series 9 opener (the Davros stuff totally makes up for it though). Chibnall would indeed seem to make a fine fit for them.

Davies and Moffat were at their best two of the best writers working in British television. We were lucky to get 10 seasons from them.

Please retcon that to be the case, Chibnall. It even gives him a coherent motivation for destroying Gallifrey.

RTD was the master of writing good emotional scenes, even in overblown episodes that I’m otherwise not crazy about.

The member berries made me want to go back and re-watch some of my favorites. Mummy on the Orient Express still holds up!

Seriously hoping that Chibnall retcons his own retcon, revealing that it was just a lie or something. Not that it’s that interesting a concept to begin with. We already knew what the Time Lords were like. I would be a lot more interested in it if he were to do that, though.

I’ve often wondered why Chibnall spends so much time on overthought, uninteresting plots loaded with banal exposition and unnecessary detail. It occurs to me that he might be trying to channel the style Terry Nation. The difference is, his style of worldbuilding makes much more sense in a 6-part serial than in a 45

Not anymore.

Should be A-.

Agreed to an extent (I still think 11-15 is a solid placement for it), and I would say the same about Your Name (wonder how that would’ve turned out if he was actually satisfied with the finished product), but he’s definitely much improved his craft over time since The Place Promised in Our Early Days. Weathering,

Haven’t seen it, but I will watch anything and everything by Masaaki Yuasa.

Hey look, Weathering With You. Not as famous as Your Name, but very good.

Every season so far is a massive flop wrapped up in slick 21st century production values.

It was a different era of tv back then. In the modern landscape, being awful for 3 straight seasons isn’t going to cut it.

Yep, it’s finally living up to its potential! Feels great to say that as a fan of the books.