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We’re clearly not going to agree regarding Legion, which is fine.

Nah, S2 of Twin Peaks is dreadful in the middle. The Return more than makes up for that thankfully.

Wasn’t really a dive in quality. Hard to wrap up a story when there’s nothing there to begin with. With Twin Peaks, even if I don’t understand everything, I know that David Lynch does. Everything has a purpose, even if I’m not privy to it. Legion just threw everything at the wall (Bolero dance number to cover up the

Aw, I really liked Across the 2nd Dimension.

Hawley always planned for three seasons. It’s just that the emptiness was there from the start--dazzling visuals in search of a compelling story/characters.

And then it was followed by a perfect two-part finale. That’s how you pace a 13-episode season.

It’s the difference between cool-looking nonsense like Legion and a surrealist masterpiece like Twin Peaks or The Leftovers. Guess we’ll have to see which is which.

Can’t wait to watch it. That premise is....something.

Also, the later seasons of Legends of Tomorrow actively laugh at how incompetent it was. Really a complete waste of time.

So is Season 1 worth watching?

I’d have a hard time analyzing Aang’s character growth throughout the series. He’s already pretty fully formed by the end of The Storm, when he moves past his guilt over not being there when the Fire Nation wiped out the Air Nomads. There’s probably some interesting analysis on how his ‘letting go of everything

Oh, I certainly didn’t miss that the first time around. Book 1 of Avatar can be extremely hard to sit through. Even on re-watch, it’s notably less great than the other two Books.

We agree about Book 1. The show puts it focus in the wrong places, starting too slowly and ending too abruptly. But it is very much a solid start.

I’m still strangely baffled by the picks here. Aside from Beginnings and Korra Alone, this isn’t the best crop of episodes the show had to offer.

I do too! I also like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel! ;)

I do as well. They did great things with her. 

The season is well built up and structured, too. It’s exactly what I wanted from an A:TLA sequel.

Nothing beats Zuko vs. Azula......but yes, holy crap, the ending of Book 3 is sublime in every way. Very few shows have ever elicited as strong an emotional reaction from me as Korra Book 3. 

The Kya-Bumi-Tenzin bending slugfest......pure animated bliss.

Pacing, pacing, pacing.