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Giving it an extra 4 seasons can only improve it, right? Let’s hope it actually does reach Avatar quality.

Actually, The Dragon Prince was recently renewed for 4 more seasons.

It wasn’t the air-bending that bothered me. Or, necessarily, Amon’s resolution (could have been cleaner, but I got what they were going for). Or even her regaining her bending, eventually. It was all of those things stacked on top of each other--felt pretty unsatisfying.

Nickelodeon says no.....

Agree with all of these. Original Airbenders felt like classic A:TLA.

That final air-bending ceremony.........

Should come with a warning label: “It gets better, I promise.”

Well the top ten list for Avatar composes 16% of the show’s episodes.

I’m sure it is! I just don’t see a need for a live-action remake of a story already told close to perfectly.

I remember them saying they were ready to move on from the world of Avatar back in 2014. I agree with you—no need for this remake when the original holds up as well as it ever did.

10 best episodes of Korra, with a lot of cheating, for me (spoilers):

Do it. Season 1 rushes the hell out of its ending and Season 2 has tons of problems. But stick through Season 2 and you will be rewarded.

I didn’t see a motor in there though! You’re probably right, of course. It would be really funny if he somehow managed to find the Strait of Gibraltar with nothing but a paddle.

The good bit was when Hannibal said “nothing happened to me. I happened.” Other than that, this was also the season where Will crosses the Atlantic Ocean in a small canoe.....I can buy dream logic. That’s not dream logic.

Frankly it was far, far better than what I thought it would be. Let’s hope they actually keep it up for more than 1 or 2 seasons....

Ah, the Italy episodes got pretty dire at times

Season 3 of Fargo was...an interesting one.

Yeah, it went downhill after S2, not 1.

I loved both seasons, but 2 would definitely win out for me. It moved forward with the momentum of a bullet train.

Re-watching Avatar is always a good use of time—I burned through it on Netflix as well. The first season does improve significantly upon re-watching (The Southern Air Temple and The Deserter are underrated gems), but I still think it falls a bit short of the brilliant Books 2 and 3, which are the peak of Western