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Unknown at this point. I thought they would release them weekly.

That’s the reality of using a hammer like Mr. Incredible instead of a scalpel like Elastagirl. Which completely makes sense and justifies the role reversal.

It was about humanity weakening itself by allowing gods from the sky to solve all of its problems.

The last 3 or so weren’t as fun as the first 5, I agree, and not just because I (and you) outgrew the series. Still not bad YA books though.

The first one was basically a chess match, between magical creatures and a genius with near infinite resources and his unbeatable butler. Also made it interesting because in most YA stories, there’s no good reason why they can’t just ask the adults to sort things out. But in the Artemis Fowl series, the teenager is

The appeal of the book series was that the protagonist is unequivocally the villain, especially in the first one. 

I liked the movie well enough. But the show has just blown me away almost every week.

I liked the movie well enough. But the show has just blown me away almost every week.

I definitely think by the end of the series the character dynamics will have changed.

Not to the same degree that BoJack does.

Great way to close out a terrific back half of the season. Maybe the best finale the show has done. Zack rated it as weaker than the first two, but this was a lot of fun—much better than The Rickchurian Mortydate.

Tv-recaps-reviews .com is quite good and extensive. Though almost no one comments on it.

I took Willo’s post to mean that Shield has been good rather than great, but now it has the potential for greatness in the final season.

The one episode a month plan sounds promising. Hope Adult Swim lets them do it.

Let’s hope the last lives up to the first.

Time to swarm Den of Geek.

They’re not, apparently.

This time they better do Doomworld right. Last time, they played it way too safe.

I agree with the criticism of Jessica, but other than that, I thought this was one of the strongest of the season.

Interesting. Appreciate the extra info. I’m not an expert on this topic--good to know when I have the wrong assumptions.