lorem ipsum

I must have been tired last night, as I misread part of your post. I actually thought your post said that the US didn’t have immigration laws that discriminated based on race. I don’t think we disagree that much.

Past 3 have been straight As for me.

That is patently false.

An extremely low bar. I’ve never looked back fondly at Zoom either, though that may be because the story around him was so poorly handled.

I was on the fence with the grades for both 3 and 4. I remember enjoying them a lot at times but also being extremely frustrated with the end results—lots of unforced errors that could have been fixed with a little tweaking (same goes for 7 too).

I agree. I wish Westworld would develop its characters more.

The first 55 episodes are still extremely well done, and showed more promise and direction than Westworld ever has—the flashbacks to Fusco and Reese, the Machine being set free, the integration of Fusco, Shaw, and Root into the team, the CIA’s hunt for Reese.......... And I would certainly counter that interesting

That happens when shows don’t live up to their potential.

That describes every other season of The 100.

S2 of The 100 was pretty riveting start-to-finish, from what I remember. Certainly better than any Arrowverse season.

They do have about 65 more episodes to go.

That’s basically the trajectory this show’s been on too, to be fair. Except I don’t think it was ever truly great. Season 1 was very good with a lot of room for improvement.

Haven’t seen the first three—probably should get around to that. I was planning to check out iZombie....but I think I’ll pass on that. The 100 has one last chance to redeem itself fully and tell a different story.

It did not. It deserved them, dammit, but it did not receive.

It’s baffling. Seriously. I’ve seen a lot of ensemble dramas, and somehow they got along without having overwrought heart-to-hearts every other scene. There has to be some actual drama there for those scenes to work.....

This episode had way, way too many pep talks.

The only really critically acclaimed shows that aired on the CW that I know of were Nikita, Jane the Virgin, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Others have started off well (Arrow, The Flash, The 100, iZombie), but the reception to them soured over time. Somehow this is still their highest-rated show. I don’t understand why,

He planned it for 6 seasons, not 8.

Yeah, I suppose they don’t want to sacrifice lives for droids which can be re-built.

I guess, but shouldn’t at least some planets have their own individual standing army? More than we’re shown, I mean? Why not try to form some coordination between them? Though I guess it’s besides the point when the Separatists have an unlimited supply of droids.