lorem ipsum

Arrives on Netflix May 15th....

Maybe make him Emperor? Just a thought.

Dug the way Ashoka tried to kill as few of Rex’s brothers as possible. They were basically bred to be used as cannon fodder (I still don’t get why The Republic didn’t have an army, but that’s the fault of the prequels), so she did her best to spare them.

Nah, the professionals are agreeing with the so-called amateurs.

Most reviews agree with Zack. 

I agree. Picard was a massive disappointment. Not even Michael Chabon can save modern Star Trek. It’s really a race to the bottom between it and Westworld.

At least it doesn’t feel as exhausted as some of the earlier Season 4 episodes.

I had a lot of problems with Game of Thrones. I still enjoyed it overall--certainly more than this.

Correct! Person of Interest was so much more well-received because the show filtered the ideas through interesting characters, meticulous story-telling, and thrilling plots.

I don’t care about anything that happens, and that is entirely down to the presentation. Really, this could have been awesome—and it just wasn’t. The characters are flat, and the writing is pretentious, empty, and muddled.

This was worse than Picard. At least Picard had that lovely scene with Data at the end.

Reese and Finch probably brought Tillman or Enright to the safehouse. Fusco would’ve had to know enough to keep Elias alive for a few hours—not likely, but not nonsensical either.

Nah, I stand by everything I said before.It’s not “too dismissive” at all. It’s how I view it, and I stand by it completely. None of what you mentioned is that interesting. 

I do as well Doc.

Kids can handle it though! 

The ending was originally planned to be bittersweet instead of the pure happy ending. Some things that I’ve heard is that Wookies were to be used instead of Ewoks, and Han would have died. The Death Star would not have been used again.

Shoulda gone with Gary Kurtz’s original plan....

It’s not the Ewoks that bother me. More that it didn’t properly follow through on everything that Empire set up.

Empire. Best film since Empire.

The Breaking Bad material on Better Call Saul is weak because it doesn’t add anything new to what the audience already knows. I feel that Maul’s arc in this final arc definitely adds to the tragedy of Order 66.