lorem ipsum

Yeah, Dillinger is the way he is to really show us why Finch chose Reese to be his partner in the first place. The two men’s fates are linked, and not by coincidence.

Yeah, I agree.

Agreed. The characters and one-offs are the real strength of Legends of Tomorrow at this point. I think it’s fair to say that the main story of each season isn’t necessarily all that special.

Quite the opposite in fact—the dense nature of the plot was one of its biggest strengths, as it was perfectly lucid and served the characters and themes of the show.

Not really a part of civilization...

POI was never hacky. It stayed true to its vision the whole way through. It was a little dull at points, especially early on, sure. And it was far closer to perfection than this. Westworld has no vision, and the dialogue is more ear-splitting than most CBS dialogue.

This was incredible. This arc is on track to be the best one the show ever did.

The network corniness consumed it--the questions it asked were too complex to resolve in 4 short seasons.

He also had a 6 season plan for his other show.

Maybe Michael Emerson too, though he’s busy on Evil, so that’s probably not happening. I still want it.

Yeah, they need to get a move on with the Mirror Master plot already.

And this is on cable, with a gargantuan budget and multiple years between short seasons.....

They would nail it. Imagine how powerful it could be with better execution. Like Space Macbeth.

Season 6 was book-ended by two outstanding arcs, but you’re right, this might be the best episode since The Wrong Jedi.

This was an A- at least for me.

It’s better than like, 90% at least. Certainly better than the comedies they placed above it.

But executed far, far worse.

That break could be longer.....

To be fair though, his approach wasn’t really working. But I would be surprised if HBO gave him instructions on what to do. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that they would basically let him do whatever he wanted as long as it was financially successful.

I thought Westworld was going to pick up the baton and run with it—explore the ideas that Nolan would have in the last 1.5 seasons of PoI that we never got. Not do the same thing over again.