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Gotta love how the writers *always*, no matter what, go back to that well of unearned melodrama. Thought it’d be over when Crisis ended? Guess again!

I didn’t interpret it that way. The word ‘hatred’ is in the original comment.

They’ve only increased my morbid curiosity of it.

Pretty sure she’s referring to Hunters.

Fair enough.

I miss Moffat as well. Those 6 seasons (ok excluding Season 7) were some of the best in the show’s history.

Pointless retcon is pointless.

Well, Sacha Dawan was fantastic.

I like A New Hope and Empire a lot, and the last third of Rogue One. Other than that, I don’t really care for the movies either.

I like A New Hope and Empire a lot, and the last third of Rogue One. Other than that, I don’t really care for the movies either.

Agreed. Tartakovsky’s is tighter, but that’s because it’s about 3 hours long. The best of the 2008 series is some of the best SW content out there, in any medium.

Yup. I think Clone Wars got better and better over time. Not quite as good as the 2003 series, true, but there’s a ton of great stuff here. Rebels tried to split the difference between adult and child-friendly entertainment, and largely missed the mark (until the final season-and-a-half).

Looks good. Any plans to bring back community grades?

If the show were launched now, it probably wouldn’t have continued past 1 or 2 seasons. Bad Netflix. But I don’t agree at all that it felt unsatisfying.

I think it took full advantage of animation as a medium—it might have not have worked as well in live action.

Enjoy Justified! It’s amazing.

And yet, it’s so hard to describe.

Definitely. It seems on track to be the strongest season since the first.

Yeah, I wouldn’t have been as harsh on this one. It was pretty fun.

I agree that the finales can sometimes blow it, but there are many episodes that are well paced and well structured.