lorem ipsum

Sure. Except for Flatline, The Doctor’s Wife, Heaven Sent, A Good Man Goes to War, The God Complex, Vincent and the Doctor....I could go on.

This suffered from a lot of problems that Spyfall and Fugitive of the Judoon suffered from. It’s overstuffed as hell. Does Chibnall just not know how to pace an episode of television after writing for this program for 13 years? Last season’s episodes were largely sluggish bores, and this season’s ‘arc episodes’ have

I like him, but the writers haven’t done much more with him than coast off of Bradley Walsh’s likability and charisma.

Oh yeah, a sixth season set entirely in the future could be a really cool concept. Especially since Jimmy’s closer than ever to becoming Saul. 

Is Lodge 49 really better than Better Call Saul?

Still the biggest mystery.

At least we have a Pete Docter film coming in June...…...

Hell yeah. Can’t wait for Kevin’s recaps--one of the best writers about animation around.

If Erik ever gives you the green-light to fill in the gaps in Season 1 coverage, I will read the hell out of those reviews. POI forever.

-Ah, 2014. Wasn’t your first review for the AVC a review of Beta?

The Steven Barnes novelization of Far Beyond the Stars is very, very good.

I mean, I appreciate how both shows are trying to do something modern. But until someone else takes the reigns of the franchise, I doubt they’ll do it successfully. They’re trying a little too hard to be ‘modern’, to the point where they’re losing sight of what makes the franchise special. Which DS9 totally got.

Way better.

Now I’m imagining the alternate version of this show that’s just a buddy comedy with Picard and 7 of 9. 

No, just Kurtzman.

This episode was pretty shocking for me: it was centered on Ralph and it was actually good.

Not playing games. Just trying to understand your position, and it still doesn’t make any sense. ‘Contrived’ and ‘wrapped up in a neat little bow’ are very different things (and the finale is neither of those things). Which is it?

That’s just called good storytelling. You felt exactly what the show wanted to you feel. You don’t want your emotions to be toyed with? The entire goal of art is to feel.

Nothing was wrapped up in a neat little bow. Fair enough if you don’t like the finale, but c’mon.

The atmosphere this episode was going for was right up my alley. I like almost all Doctor Who episodes with a gothic-horror style. Though they do kind of have a habit of falling apart in the third act, and this was no exception. I think this is my second favorite of the season behind Fugitive of the Judoon. I’m