lorem ipsum

I think The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos is the worst finale the show’s ever done.

Hm. I suppose you’re right about most of these (especially Boyle--man I miss early Boyle), but it doesn’t bother me as much because I feel that they’ve added dimension even as they make them more wacky for the lolz. Peralta feels like he’s gotten more mature in some ways even as they’ve made him a complete pea-brain

The main characters are still pretty reigned in, for the most part.

I’ve both re-watched it in its entirety and re-watched individual episodes (often a fun one!). It works either way, which is pretty damn rare.

Unlike The Leftovers though, Person of Interest contains a significant amount of humor.

Maybe it’s actor availability, studio intervention, or whatever, but the Arrowverse has this odd tendency to drop some of their most compelling characters. Bye Slade. Bye Nyssa. Bye Leonard Snart. Hm. Mick has to stay for the entire run of this show.

Mirror Master is a very promising villain. Here’s hoping the show actually takes full advantage of him. 

It only took the writing staff six years to get her right.......

I have nothing substantial to add to this conversation except to say that this episode was awesome--I kind of love how this tackled podcasts. Also, I forgot Caity Lotz was on Mad Men.

I still miss Nyssa.

And utterly deserved, too.

I loved the hell out of Little Women. Which surprised me because I was agnostic towards Lady Bird.

Pretty terrible, though I do agree with your assessment that the companions finally got some good scenes. Though, of course, Ryan’s scene with 13 at the end didn’t work at all. That could have been a really nice moment-but like pretty much everything else in the Chibnall era its potential is squandered. Another

The Doctor’s lived for thousands of  years at this point and lost countless people.....and she can’t think of anything to cheer him up? That rang completely false. 

No, but it looks worse than other sci-fi shows airing currently

Damn, you’re right. They should put Mackenzie Davis in this. 

Crisis would have had to have been an entire season to justify the build-up. Of course, they probably don’t have the budget, and they can’t just shut down the shows all season. 

Yes.....but *after* that, there is eternal peace. 

They never intended to kill him, so it’s not really backpedaling. There was no way it was going to end that simply. 

Can’t agree with any of that for a second. This was a very definitive, messy conclusion-and perfect for this show. Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack are the same as they ever were, which makes perfect sense (Peanutbutter forgave BoJack for trying to sleep with Diane in about 5 minutes back in Season 2). Todd’s friendly with