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Unlike Becker, it put the pieces together.

You’re a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Is this sarcasm?

Except for stakes only exist if there is a remote possibility of them not saving everyone from eternal damnation, and there very obviously wasn’t.

Yeah, I think BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter’s relationship will be the same as it always was. BoJack and Diane are finished. BoJack and Todd will be friendly, but not truly close. Same with BoJack and PC, I think. 

It definitely seems like Mr. Peanutbutter and PC are more willing to forgive him than Diane and Todd.

Never gonna argue with Mad Men praise.

Yeah, the Hollyhock stuff was the loss that stung the most, I think. When she was trying really hard to connect with him in Seasons 4 and 5, he was distant. Just when their relationship took a positive turn, it came crashing down. On the other hand, Gina, Penny, and Charlotte are irreparably damaged, so this is the

Haven’t seen The Sopranos in a long time, but even if it is a similar story, it’s executed very differently.

Just for fun:

The View From Halfway Down is a better, more powerful episode, but it’s very deliberately *not* the ending. Nice While it Lasted is a finale, that, while low-key, better encapsulates what this show was trying to accomplish.

The writers have always had a large amount of empathy for BoJack while vigorously condemning his failings and his often deplorable actions at the same time. As I said above, his road to recovery certainly won’t be easy, and there are so many things he’s done that he can’t take back. He’ll never see Hollyhock again,

“Series Grade: A”

BoJack Horseman is one of those rare shows where, when they decide to take a huge stylistic and narrative risk, it *always* pays off.

I can see that point of view. I liked this ending a lot, though. Him dying would be a fitting conclusion to his story, but it would also be less messy and complicated than this show has been. That would be giving BoJack a way out, and one last opportunity to make his friends’ lives all about him. Him living with the

They did. This entire season was his rock bottom, and this time he faced the consequences. Not just emotionally either. He really did lose everything this time-his reputation, almost all of his relationships, his house, and his freedom. Nor did he do something shocking (TM) in the penultimate.

I didn’t think BoJack Horseman could top Downer Ending. Then Escape From LA was released. Then Fish Out of Water, That’s Too Much Man!, The Old Sugarman Place, Time’s Arrow, Free Churro, and The Showstopper were released. Now, for the final penultimate episode, the series tries one last time to leave viewers stunned

Yeah, I agree. I may have been a bit generous with the grades. In my defense, I haven’t seen Season 1 in about 3 years. The series either a B or a B+. I think there was definitely missed potential all over the place, and certain characters kept beating the same comedic drum for the entire run of the show, while not

The fact that all of the supporting characters are doing pretty damn well this half-season really drives home how much of a low point this is for him.

Judah is the absolute best.