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Don’t forget the “epic” season finale, where he defeats Darkh through the power of love and rouses the citizens of Star City with the lamest motivational speech of all time.

I would put Person of Interest right up there with it, though it’s more similar to Angel in terms of themes and structure.

The first season of Buffy is pretty unwatchable, and the fourth season is a mess, and the seventh season is quite dull. But the fourth season has some of the show’s very best one-offs: Something Blue, Hush, Fear Itself, Who Are You?, and Restless. It also retains the show’s sense of wit and features some nice

Forgot about Underneath. That’s a great one. I think D- is a bit harsh for 4, which had Neal McDonough. And was actually trucking along pretty well until it, ya know, fell off a cliff in the terrible second half. 

Or.....OR! He can hand over his speed to Zoom for no reason. 

As a main caster member, absolutely. Just not a recurring guest star or anything. Give David Ramsey a lot of screen time, is what I’m saying.

It does have Michael Emerson.....in a waste of his talent, but still.

Diggle as Green Lantern in his own show needs to happen.

Double the Rory, double the fun. Maybe he was a little too powerful for Arrow. But, so is Barry, and they just hand-wave that away even though Barry could have solved almost all of Oliver’s problems in 5 minutes each.

Double the Rory, double the fun. Maybe he was a little too powerful for Arrow. But, so is Barry, and they just hand-wave that away even though Barry could have solved almost all of Oliver’s problems in 5 minutes each.

What about Season 1?

It’s a race to the bottom.

Dare I ask what you’d give Season 6? Lol. I didn’t really like a single episode in it.

Unlike The Flash, which has basically been a nonstop trainwreck since Season 2, I have (*almost*-Season 6, I’m looking at you) always enjoyed watching Arrow.

I’m so glad the show had such a good finale and final season, after all of the ups and downs. I wasn’t expecting a perfect episode—this is Arrow we’re talking about here—and I didn’t get it. But I have to concur with Allison that I don’t really care. This was an emotionally satisfying conclusion to most of the areas

And yeah, Diaz was a terrible villain and a waste of Kirk Acevedo.....but Cayden James was essentially an Adrian Chase rip-off and a waste of Michael Emerson, which is arguably a bigger sin. Coming off Lost and Person of Interest, too. I hear Evil is pretty good, at least.

Season 8 is easily the second best after 2 (I liked Arrow’s Crisis portion a lot more than Kate Kulzick did). Provided they don’t royally screw up the finale.

John Barrowman is awesome. So awesome.

It’s hard for me to know what to think about this episode until I see the conclusion to this story arc. It was overstuffed as hell and the Captain Jack scenes were completely shoehorned in. But....it was also really good in some areas, mainly the rapid pace and impressive ambition of the story, both of which have been

Yeah, them having a split would be a lot more interesting than her dying.