lorem ipsum

Gonna have to disagree with you on that one.

I know. I’m very excited. 4 hour long specials. One devoted to PB and Marceline, one focused on BMO, one focusing on Peppermint Butler and Wizard City, and the final one devoted to Finn and Jake.

Like I said before, your point is a good one and did make me think about how cults of personality are formed around individuals who claim they are the solution to all of society’s ills because the current institutions are not working, or are corrupt, or whatever. But I think all of the shows we mentioned are a little

That’s the point of the message, though. Institutions are fundamentally dangerous, no matter which individual is in charge.

I also liked the Discovery pilot, and, uh, that didn’t turn out the best. Hopefully this goes down a different path.

Plus The Wire and Star Trek: DS9. It’s a nice theme.

I could have used ‘unconvincing’ or ‘saccharine’ ;) . 

Interesting stuff. I’m not really surprised humans can’t really appreciate heaven. Of course we can’t.

I guess it’s eternal peace in case you get bored of heaven.

Insurrection is worse, I think.

Every reviewer, podcast host, or anyone who covers Trek that I’ve listened to or read has always been almost completely burnt out by the time they reach the end of Voyager. Curious if the same thing will happen to Zack. 

I get it, Season 1 was terrible, but pushing the wackiness to the extreme is getting a little annoying. 

How is there a Crazy-Ex Girlfriend song that accurately sums up *every* Legends episode? It’s baffling and deeply hilarious.

No Caity Lotz, no Legends. Who needs to watch that worse version of Arrow that’s apparently coming out soon when this is still on?

Yeah. New Adventure Time coming this year.

It’s not love, just indifference. Which is slightly more positive than the other disasters of the Chibnall era.

I don’t get the love for Spyfall. I thought it was a complete mess. This week’s was one of the stronger episodes of the run so far.

I thought It Takes You Away was pretty good. It had a wit and energy missing from the rest of the Chibnall era so far, and was actually quite ambitious. Not a brilliant episode by any stretch, but still my favorite episode of the 13th Doctor’s run to date.

Tesla is an interesting guy to build a historical around. Always interesting to meet the “losers” (in fame, which might be a flawed metric for measuring such value, but still), so to speak. Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror definitely benefitted from having him in it. The writing for him was pretty good, and his

If you say so. Personally, this was a mediocre half-hour of television in a mediocre season, and the best finale in the history of the medium wouldn’t change that.