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I...don’t really know what to make of that. That was pretty bonkers. I think Caroline nailed it pretty well in her review. Some good, but the whole package just seems poorly executed. Better than the indifference that I felt to Part 1, I suppose.

If there’s one thing Moffat and Gatiss are known for, it’s sticking the landing. Can’t wait to watch episode 3!

Last season she didn’t really have a distinctive personality. I’m still not really understanding what exactly sets her apart from other Doctors. 

It’s not that quirky anymore either. The whole thing feels infinitely more generic than it used to.

There’s no really big reason for this reveal to be all that impactful either. “Utopia” was The Master’s return. “Dark Water” had the first female master. What’s the point in making a big deal out of it this time?

I doubt Missy’s character development was ever going to stick. But that makes it more special-I was a big fan of Missy pretty much all the way through, but Series 10 was her best for sure.

It was not a substantial improvement over last series. 

It was alright. Not a major improvement over last season, but decent enough, I think. It’s about a mid-tier Davies episode. I strongly, strongly disliked last season (it was so-so at best), and this wasn’t a massive improvement. Still hopeful about the non-Chibnall episodes.

Its had a very good, long run. Cant ask for much more than that.

All the Little People” is one of the most underrated Adventure Time episodes of all time.

It’s a relief that this had such a good ending. There have been some misses when it comes to endings this decade, but this show can firmly count itself among those that have stuck the landing.

Yeah. Not sure why they didnt just give Johnson some spin-off movie to write on his own that doesnt/didn’t affect the main story. The Last Jedi itself felt like a compromise. It stared at new ideas in the face, and rejected them.

Agreed. Thats its biggest problem (along with pacing).

Agreed. Thats its biggest problem (along with pacing).

Fair enough, but there still has to be some sense of internal logic to it all. Otherwise it all feels weightless. Which it does to me, for the reasons you mentioned as well. No cohesion whatsoever.

Yes. Good science fiction or fantasy set up rules and stick to them. Writing a science fiction or fantasy story doesnt mean anything goes-just that the rules are different. I’ve used that argument myself in the past, but it doesnt hold up.

Season 6 of Lost is the worst tv season of Damon Lindelof’s career. Really hoping this sticks the landing more than that. Esmail said the ending turned out even better than he expected, so crossing my fingers.

True, but I think that’s down to Mr. Robot’s specific style. It’s always been more shrouded in mystery than The Wire or Breaking Bad (again, neither approach is inherently better, and I don’t hold it against either of those for being straightforward). I love it too. The back half of this final season has been pure

Hilarious, grim way to cap off this half-season, which was ultimately a let-down. A few shaky entries early on wouldn’t be a problem in a 10-episode season, but we did wait an awful long time for a largely mediocre stretch. It’s not surprising the response was so lukewarm. It doesn’t matter regarding this episode

The ending wasn’t the strongest (it wasn’t transcendent like many other episodes this season), but it didn’t ruin anything either. It tied most things up pretty nicely. It was a decent ending that I’m satisfied with.