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Obligatory ‘Season 1 is a bit rough, it gets better, I promise’ label should be on the box set lol (worth saying though, it’s still quite watchable, just a little unsatisfying, and it’s worth it to get to the good stuff-even people who don’t like Season 1, like AV Club reviewer Dennis Perkins, loved it by the end of

This two-parter should not have been two parts. Definitely not enough material to sustain it. On the plus side, they actually wrapped up the Bloodwork conflict. After Crisis, the show has a 13 episode arc to do. Excited to see if they can pull it off.

There was. It could have been Buffy-levels of great if the writers were up to the task. Which is shocking because no one expected it to be even remotely worth watching. But all the pieces were there.

Yep. Morgana turning into a cartoon off-screen was the first major misstep the show made. Seasons 1 and 2 moved along at a nice clip (Season 2 is my favorite season), but 3 started to show some serious cracks. I still like Season 3, but after that, the show goes off the rails and spins endlessly in circles. There’s a

Yeah, Seasons 2 and 3 are pretty equal. Season 3 just has more standouts. But Season 2 has a more fun story-line overall. The Mallus stuff was a dud. Legends just can’t construct compelling over-arching storylines. Season 2's was the best because the villains were stolen from Arrow and The Flash.

Depends on how the last 4 episodes go.....It’s going to be at least third in the rankings, no question about that, and it could easily beat Season 1. Season 2 is really hard to top though. Arrow will end with a respectable run overall, definitely the best of the Arrowverse.

“Here I Go Again” and “Phone Home” are my two favorites, personally. Season 3 really nailed Legends down. 2 is solid and 4 is schlock, but 3 really found the right balance, I think.

“I guess because in my head I built up the grey/dark Lena storyline to be this super great satisfying arc that’d be worth sticking around for. And... it isn’t. Like, this episode is apparently graded on a curve where a B is “sometimes pretty good”.

“Between this and Batwoman, I have to say, it is really gratifying see these two shows exploring emotionally complex relationships between women.”

Depends if we count his movie scripts. Those....leave something to be desired.

Sad. They need to watch more anime. Everyone does.

It did get high ratings. But it has neither received the high ratings or popularity of some shows, nor the intense critical acclaim other low-rated shows (Rectify, The Leftovers, The Americans, Halt and Catch Fire) receive on here. It did make their ‘Best TV of the 2010s’ list.....at #73. Below The Great British

Yeah....I’m not really a fan of that commenter’s arguments. They seem fallacious to me. 

I agree with that. It would be interesting to have a quiet, introspective finale for such a thrilling show.

Certainly, and there are plenty of Supernatural fans, on this site and others, that can calmly mount a defense of it without being aggressive.

Certainly, and there are plenty of Supernatural fans, on this site and others, that can calmly mount a defense of it without being aggressive.

I think uh.. cult is...probably a fair term to apply to the Supernatural fandom.”-Misha Collins

Sure! That’s part of what makes it special.

Too bad Kinja happened. 

Because although you have a good point, it has a similar structure of going through similar situations with things tweaked. It reminds me of Rashomon, Remedial Chaos Theory, and the like. I admit it’s not quite the same, but the fact that it’s unique is part of what makes it stand out even more for me.