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Well, as long as it’s not a colossal disappointment, I’ll be fine with it.

Eh. I strongly disagree-I saw it and still see it as a lot of dead air. Oh well.

If Moore doesn’t like this, he’ll never be impressed with a Watchmen adaptation. Which, ok, he said he wasn’t going to be. But still-what an incredible show this is.

It did make it, at #55.

Ah, that’s alright. I more so skimmed the list than uh, actually scrolled through the whole thing. I got the gist. It was a decent list.

Unfortunately, I think so-I don’t think this show is making it in. I think lots of people just gave up after Season 2 (I understand why-I still don’t like Season 2). But ya know? Lots of my favorite shows have had rough seasons and I have still complained about them not getting the attention they deserve, so you’re

I thought Season 8 was entertaining and worked on paper, but was kind of botched in execution-I like it a bit more than Season 7 and more than most people. I didn’t think it was the worst thing to ever exist. It was alright.

Yeah, I can’t wait to watch The Leftovers. This sounds like an ‘all-or-nothing’ proposition-no casual fans of The Leftovers. Really hoping I’m one of the ‘loves it to death’ group.

Person of Interest is far better than The Good Place and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.....if you are partial to the subject matter and don’t mind procedurals (The show is always a procedural on some level, so if you can’t stand the format you will be frustrated). And stick with it to the end of Season 1-if the last 5 episodes

I was going to reply with that, actually. They showed that she improved a bit, and he spiraled downward, but pulled out of it at the last moment. So they both can improve, possibly.

Or re-hire Tartakovsky and make some animated films-guaranteed excellence.

I haven’t seen Season 2 since it aired, but I don’t think those are the two best episodes, still. Aside from the twist in Michael’s Gambit, nothing before or since topped them. This episode was quite good, but it wasn’t really a consideration for the best episode of the show-the bar’s too high for that.

And Jason throwing Molotov cocktails in the Bad Place. That was amazing.

Yeah, in case it wasn’t clear, I wasn’t arguing that Simone owes Brent anything.

It was established that he had his own apartment in Season 1. At some point they ditched it, though I don’t really remember when.

Feels like the thesis of the whole show-the creative team has said that we will discover ‘What We Owe to Each Other’-maybe that’ll be it. People make each other better, and we owe it to each other to mutually improve (not necessarily save someone who shows no capacity or change or interest in self-improvement). 

Well, I already posted mine on the AVC’s list-I would put an episode of The Good Place up there, but not this one. I still think “Dance Dance Resolution” is the strongest episode of the show-tonight’s was great though.

A really terrific episode of The Good Place, that I really liked because of how it focused on Chidi, who’s been my favorite character on the show since the beginning. The way it explored his past in a thoughtful manner and threw in a ton of great jokes as well-yup, brilliant.

I love the fact that he can write ‘stellar 14th season’. Personally, I found this season right up there with Season 10 when it comes to late-series Sunny. 
