lorem ipsum

I....laughed unreasonably hard at many things in this episode.

“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”

It was pretty decent. 

I liked it more than “Rickmancing the Stone”, which I was quite indifferent to. This was middle-of-the-road Rick and Morty, but it did have some pretty big laughs, and an enjoyably dark ending.

He also seemingly knows he’s in a tv show-wonder if that contributes to his self-loathing?

Ignore my other reply. I made it in anger, and I apologize for it (tried to edit it, but Kinja). Here’s my last word on this thread (for realsies this time).

You know? You’re right-I should have left it there. I can’t stand your smug, self-satisfied demeanor (no, I’m not unable to counter your points, you’re just insufferable), and I let that get the better of me.

You seem quite immature, and not a person worth engaging with in the future-I explain why your arguments are not convincing and that you use fallacious reasoning, and you say “Ha! I destroyed you with *facts* and *logic*. Yes, but it’s really weak logic. So, no, you have really not proven anything wrong regarding

And, just to succinctly clear this up (I know internet conversations arent the greatest avenue for reasonable discussion), I dont mind Barry and Iris relationship that much, and I think its great that many people enjoy them together, even though there are certain things getting in the way of me personally feeling t

“The show literally told us that Barry already had feeling for Iris before his father died and he went to live with her and Joe.”

The performance is pretty good, and he’s marginally more amusing than John, who basically has no character traits. He still feels like an avenue for shallow, easy humor. Plus-I feel that if you set up an unlikable character for redemption, you should make them three-dimensional in their awfulness. Brent feels like a

Didn’t really feel earned, though. We haven’t even spent that much time with him, which is telling.

I’m not ‘hoping’ for anything, which is part of the problem-Brent, Simone, and John are not characters worth investing in. Nonetheless, some might take issue with the message it’ll send if/when his redemption happens.

Yeah, I’m still not going to think this is a great season no matter what at this point-the first 7 episodes were like C/C+ level for me, and had me even more disinterested than Season 3. I think how they resolve the Brent/Simone stuff will be important to justifying all that stuff in the first 7 episodes. I could see

She is an acting goddess.

Feels like they were spinning their wheels for the first 7 episodes, just like last year, and the Gryzzl arc in the final season of Parks and Rec. Brent, Simone, and John weren’t interesting enough to hold my interest, nor were the contrived problems and solutions that kept popping up.

Fantastic episode tonight-the best episode of this show in years, I think. It was funny, it was surprising, and it was surprisingly poignant-in short, The Good Place at its finest. I stand by my criticisms of Seasons 3 and the early part of this season, but if this episode is any indication, The Good Place will go out

Logan, The Dark Knight, and Into the Spider-Verse are the 3 best superhero movies this century so far, I think.