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Recency bias.

I can respect your choice as Mad Men for the best show ever. I like Legends of Tomorrow, but it does not deserve to be on this list, let alone at number 65.

I’m pretty sure I watched it in the Trump era, but your interpretation makes a lot of sense. It might not have aged spectacularly well.

Season 5 was so-so.

I doubt all of them watched them all. It’s this weird mix of everyone’s tastes, but at least a lot of shows got mentioned that might not have otherwise.

Yesssss Fish Out of Water-such a masterpiece.

I’ll try to limit myself to one per show, but no promises. No particular order:

Not at all.

How the hell is Legends of Tomorrow above it? Seriously?

Halt and Catch Fire is top-10 material. Should be higher than 29.

Agreed about recency bias. I honestly expected there to be far more shows from the first half of the decade on here. The Good Place being at number 6 is odd. 

It is better than Game of Thrones and in the same league as Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

Nowhere :(. But it’s a fantastic show.

The problem I see with that is that even at its best, it was a mixed bag. The first half of Season 1, the midsection of 4, and the late period of 2 all sagged. 

Also Will would never forgive him for killing Abigail Hobbs.

Agree about Hannibal. That was just a mess of a third season.

“Person of Interest is interchangeable with any other disillusioned genius + weathered Veteran = boomer dad ad dollars show.”

POI and The Expanse are the best sci-fi shows of this decade, easily-better than Orphan Black and definitely better than Black Mirror.

Just putting this out there: “If-Then-Else”? Best episode of tv this decade. 

Super sad I missed that. I just finished watching it for the third time, and it *still* holds up!